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Has anyone used Oxbox joint support biscuits?


Senior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2018
Reaction score
Clover had a very thorough old lady health MOT yesterday, she has cataracts now and her arthritis is worse but otherwise she is in excellent health- her eyes and leg joints are completely worn out but everything else is in perfect working order!

The vet has increased her loxicom dose and said we can give a double dose if she is having a bad day (we have buprenorphine too but Clover isnt keen on the opiod wobbly feeling), and in future we might try gabapentin if she gets worse, but she also suggested we might try a glucosamine supplement.
So I ordered the Oxbox joint support, seems to be hay biscuits with glucosamine? Has anyone used this? I hope Clover eats them but if not then elderly Luna can try them too and probably Ollie pigwig with his wonky legs and appetite for anything edible might benefit! What does anyone else give as a supplement for arthritic oldies?
Patch the rabbit has cataracts and arthritis. He is on painkillers and I am giving him pellets for elderly bunnies fortified with glucosamine. I think it’s likely the pain killers which help most though
I've just ordered 4Joints from Amazon as Debbie from TEAS recommend it yesterday for my Peggy. Peggy has severe arthritis in her spine and is on Metacam and Gabapentin.

Debbie recommend a dosage of 0.4ml daily.
Clover had a very thorough old lady health MOT yesterday, she has cataracts now and her arthritis is worse but otherwise she is in excellent health- her eyes and leg joints are completely worn out but everything else is in perfect working order!

The vet has increased her loxicom dose and said we can give a double dose if she is having a bad day (we have buprenorphine too but Clover isnt keen on the opiod wobbly feeling), and in future we might try gabapentin if she gets worse, but she also suggested we might try a glucosamine supplement.
So I ordered the Oxbox joint support, seems to be hay biscuits with glucosamine? Has anyone used this? I hope Clover eats them but if not then elderly Luna can try them too and probably Ollie pigwig with his wonky legs and appetite for anything edible might benefit! What does anyone else give as a supplement for arthritic oldies?
I used to use the oxbow vitamin c cookies and the digestion support ones. They always went down well with the pigs.
My RB Piggy Handsome Silver Fox Christian had spinal arthritis and I managed to keep it in check with a hefty dose of Dog Metacam twice a day (0.7ml initially going down to 0.5ml under vet advice). Luckily his arthritis didn't get too painful. He couldn't clean his bits in the end so I had to do that for him at least once a week :vom: and also check him for sperm rods twice a week :vom:.
My vet actually just phoned and offered us Nutravet glucosamine capsules, which I wont get until we try the biscuits I've ordered- but helpfully the vet did say what amount of glucosamine is recommended, 130mg per kg of piggy daily.
Clover now weighs 950g so I reckon one of these Oxbow joint support biscuits with 90mg glucosamine will be ok to start with, if she likes them!
But I thought posting the dose our vet recommends might be helpful for people :)
Update: the Oxbox biscuits were delivered and Clover is scared of them lol!
Typical daft piggies, this was a miracle cure for arthritis in as much as limpy Clover was sprinting away from the suspicious glucosamine biscuit in terror lol. Guess I'll be getting the capsules!
Luna likes the biscuits though, she can have them instead, and fatty Lavender stole 2 that I was trying to give to Clover. Lavender doesnt need any joint support, just scaffolding to hold her fatty double chins off the floor the great big chubby lilac heffalump!
Update: the Oxbox biscuits were delivered and Clover is scared of them lol!
Typical daft piggies, this was a miracle cure for arthritis in as much as limpy Clover was sprinting away from the suspicious glucosamine biscuit in terror lol. Guess I'll be getting the capsules!
Luna likes the biscuits though, she can have them instead, and fatty Lavender stole 2 that I was trying to give to Clover. Lavender doesnt need any joint support, just scaffolding to hold her fatty double chins off the floor the great big chubby lilac heffalump!
I tried the Oxbow biscuits for Peggy but she would not have them at all. She basically took one look at them and went and hid in the hay. Mavis liked them though and I give her the occasional one as a treat. 😂
"Hey Clover, got any more biscuits?"
"No big purple, no biscuits."
"Maybe there are other foods I can protect you from Clover? Coriander can be scary!"
"No thanks purple, I like coriander."
"Peppers can be a bit frightening perhaps? I'll protect you from those!"
"Hmm... you know the vet said I lost weight? And Piggle and Blod lost a bit of weight too?"
"So strange Clover you all lost weight since I moved in! I've not lost any weight, my bum cheeks dont both fit on the weighing scales at once!"
"Yeah, really odd we share a plate most days and you got fatter while we all got thinner..."
"Food can be tricky Clover! Got any biscuits?"
Just to let you know that since I have been giving Peggy the 4joints and Gabapentin she is much more mobile and generally happier. In fact for the first time in months she has gained a little weight.
That's great news, Clover is more mobile too since starting her glucosamine, we have the capsules and I am dissolving the contents in apple and carrot smoothie for her- after 5 days of that and twice daily loxicom she seems much more interested in life :)
Glucosamine really does work wonders, I just caught Clover standing on her arthritic back legs to eat the carrot cottage roof! 2 weeks ago she couldnt stretch her knee joints out enough to put her feet flat, she was waddling along on her heels- today we are doing ballet on tiptoes!
My new glucosamine administering trick is cutting 2 wafer thin cucumber slices then sticking them together with the glucosamine powder to make a sneaky glucosamine sandwich :)
Just caught this while searching for a different thread - will link this in to another one for piggy arthritis.
George is a big fan of Oxbow Joint Support lozenges - one a day has made such a difference to him!