Has anyone used 'Bliss Basic' bedding?

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 20, 2010
Reaction score
yate, bristol
hi i have been offered a good deal by one of my suppliers for me to use bliss basic bedding for my rescue piggies and rabbits, he tells me it is the same as aubiose and the basic range does not have the essential oils in so is safe for the piggies.

has anyone ever used this bedding and is it suitable for piggies. any advice would be very gratefully received as we use alot of megazorb at the moment and my current supplier is possibly going to stop stocking it so i need to find an alternative bedding and quickly.
i have I'm not sure if your supposed to but if you read the literature its chopped miscanthus or something and its natural you can eat it well they can not us :(|) and my long haired pigges were fine on it and it stuck together more to form a base where as shavings scatter, i used the original plain for my guinea pigs in the house and rabbits outside it does have a little bit of a funny smell but then so does shavings.My horse has the eculyptus which leaves a funny taste in your mouth when you open and shake the bag out but again i find it extremely absorbent. I'm sure in the literature it is marketed at small animals as well i pay £7 a bale from the feedstore.
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