COVID-19 Has anyone done their own Covid test?


Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 15, 2016
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Zürich, Switzerland
I was curious if anyone had administered their own Covid test with the throat/nasal swab?
I am talking about a genuine test, just done at home and posted off (not some dodgy thing from Ebay).

How 'easy' was it to do, and how likely am I going to be to mess it up and end up with an inconclusive result?

I am asking because if I prebook a private test when I fly back to the UK after Christmas I can potentially cut our quarantine time in half (from 2 weeks to 1 week).
I am not worried about having Covid (we self isolate for at least 10 days before we travel) but the test is expensive and I want to be sure I am not going to waste my money!

My son had to do 2 Covid tests by himself to make sure he was safe to travel home from Uni. I have just asked him what it was like. He said it was easy if you ignore the fact that it was really uncomfortable as in you have to get the swab as far down your throat as possible and scrape your tonsils and as far up your nose as possible so it feels like you are poking your brain out of your nose!
At the drive through test centres in the UK you usually do your own test, you get it passed through the car window then collected 10 minutes later- its very straightforward, I was sure mine would be messed up and inconclusive because I have a very strong gag reflex and was retching and almost vomiting with the tonsil scraping- but it was fine! Down the throat, ip the nose, into the tube of virus preserving reagent... no problem :)
My daughter has one weekly too for her work and her baby Alfie age less-than-two has had 4 tests done by his Mummy now because if he has a temperature she can't go to work! Alfie thinks its hilarious tickly nose fun and he hasnt had a void test or a positive test yet either :)
Thanks ladies - very reassuring.
I don't have tonsils - maybe that will make it more 'fun' :))

There are full instructions. It clearly states the area around the tonsils or where they were if you’ve had them removed. As for the nose, as far up as possible until resistance is felt. 10-15 seconds for the throat and another 10-15 seconds for the nose. If you don’t gag or your eyes don’t water, you’re not doing it right ;)
We were selected for random testing during the first lockdown, when they were looking to see how many people were asymptomatic and it was ok, not pleasant, but easy enough to do.
I've done two so far. Worked through the lockdown, so when I had high temp I was told to go for a test. Luckily, both were negative. I get sinusitis a lot...

So, I had mine at the 'drive through', everyone does their own whilst in the car. I got member of staff talk me through it. I do not have strong gag reflex, but this was too much as they wanted me to rub it there for 10seconds and then stick it in my nose and do another 10 secs. Our booklet tells you to take swab from area where tonsils would normally be if you had them removed.

It wasn't my brightest moments, you have military staff (hot guys) watching you gag and then you're hoping you won't pull giant boogie from your nose whilst crying... Other than that the wait is worse than the actual test.
I get tested a lot because I am a teacher. The nose swab makes me sneeze a lot! It's easy to do, just not massively comfortable.
I’ve had two Covid tests. One in October time that was negative and one last week which was positive. The positive one I was sure I messed up but obviously not. Just make sure you get the swab as far back in your throat as you can and as far up your nose as you can.

It’s uncomfortable but pretty hard to mess up I think
I was petrified to have one done, but managed to do it successfully. My mum once had one done at a testing centre but got an inconclusive because you simply can’t see what you’re doing without a good mirror!
The one I did at home came back negative. The throat hurt a little for the first touch at either side but okay after that. The nose one was the one that scared me the most. I didn’t go as far back as I think most people do. If you feel your nose at the side, you have a hard bone at the top then a squishy part before you come to your nostril area. For me, I did it almost to the end of the squishy part, angling upwards. I didn’t really feel it much to be fair, and I thought my test would come back inconclusive but it didn’t so I must have done it right.
I had one at the beginning of the outbreak, done by the ambulance service I volunteer for. I've just volunteered for a lateral flow test, I get tested twice a week for 12 weeks. Should be interesting. 👍
I've done several on myself and children, only had one inconclusive from a 4 year old and I think that's because she vomited 🤮 my just turned 3 year old had to have one on her birthday on advice from the gp due to her high temp (though she was also treated for an infection) she was perfectly fine, it's her second booth results negative and she giggled the whole time 🤣 xx
Son2A has been tested in Liverpool before coming home. He’s not the bravest of lads (still can’t swallow a paracetamol tablet and has to have soluble ones). He saw everyone doing it no fuss and assumed (lol) it would be easy. He assures me it required huge bravery not to weep or spew his guts up as he was doing it!
I did a test on Monday. We were given the swab, told how to do it and then gave the swab to one of the soldiers.
It’s not fun. I did manage not to gag but did end up sneezing.
I wasn’t sure if I’d done it right but the result came back negative so it must have been ok
Son2A has been tested in Liverpool before coming home. He’s not the bravest of lads (still can’t swallow a paracetamol tablet and has to have soluble ones). He saw everyone doing it no fuss and assumed (lol) it would be easy. He assures me it required huge bravery not to weep or spew his guts up as he was doing it!
I'm with your son, I hate taking tablets. Nowadays if I can I buy the plastic capsule version of any medication I need. If I have to take solid tablets of paracetamol etc, I have to place it very carefully and wash it down with plenty of water. If I get it wrong it makes me gag, not at all nice. If I have to do a covid test I imagine I'll sneeze and feel like gagging, but needs must!
Had to do a home kit end of Oct. The throat bit I did in front of the mirror & although not pleasant, I found it the easiest. I apparently stood there for at least 30 seconds looking at the swab, revolted at the thought of having to put it up my nose. That was the worst part for me and my eyes tingled for a while!

I suppose if/when I need to do one again I'm prepared.
I'm late to this but I've done one - the nose swab was fine, the throat swab, well. I have a pretty severe gag reflex that only seems to get worse with age, but I still did it. Considering I went from having all day to get it done, to swabbing and packaging everything inside of half an hour at most, I think I did a damn good job, but I lost the sticker they gave you to secure tape the box. Ended up using duct tape instead.

It's not remotely pleasant, but it is doable.
I’d prefer having the health service do it. I had it done by a test centre in Scotland last year in May while my husband was immune compromised and my panic made me think I was possibly covid positive. my husband organised a test for me as he’s a doctor and family members of medical staff had rush testing to protect the med staff. THAT test was comfortable, I pulled up in my car, a woman swabbed my nose then (with a different swab) did my throat and I was negative on both.

But now, both because the husband is a doctor and given his cancer recovery phase they’re required to self test twice a week despite vaccination. He was doing a test on me once every week or two until I was fully vaccinated (and laughed as I desperately tried not to sneeze my face off). I have now done them myself and still struggling with sneezing but I’m also still negative so the vaccine is holding. The at home lateral flow tests given to the NHS staff are sneezy brain tickers, that said the one I ordered one for travel is more kind and gentle but have had to cancel travel until Scotland calms down so I haven’t used it though know people that have.

Happy swabbing everyone 😊
The at home lateral flow tests given to the NHS staff

I'm in Scotland too - not sure about England but here in Scotland, we are ALL supposed to be doing these home kit ones twice weekly (easy to order online from the goverment site; they deliver them fast and free)

They arent as accurate as the hospital ones but you can then go for a hosp one if your home one shows positive. I found i did gag when i first started using them but i dont any more. Super simple and quick to do.

Teenagers can pick them up from their schools during term time.
Yes certainly in England everyone is encouraged to do the home lateral flow tests twice a week whether vaccinated or not, and they are compulsary for secondary school children and staff as well as for many other workplaces. They do make you retch and take a bit of getting used to, but always best to be safe! I usually do one before any medical appointments even if nobody asks me to, just to keep everyone as safe as possible.
It seems obvious but even though you have to swab each tonsil a lot of folks aim for right down the middle of the throat and immediately gag... we have much better swabbing success going in one side at a tonsil-targeting angle. Twice a week testing means I can mingle with as many coughing babies as I like at toddler group!
Have been doing LFT tests for work since March. Generally I manage ok with them, the odd however makes me gag. It's become part of my weekly routine now - I call it my "potion mixing" time!
Yes, my partner and I do a LFT test twice a week, it’s free from the NHS and helps them find out where Covid is and what age groups etc. We do them on the days I visit my Mum or when she comes to our house say for the afternoon. This allows me to enter her residential home too, although I am limited to her room or outside in the garden and still have to wear a mask.
These kits are free, simple to use and reorder
I've been doing the lateral flow ones at least once a week, since things started opening up I joined the local sports club and go running with them twice a week. Even though it's outdoors and Mum is double jabbed, she is still extremely clinically vulnerable, so I'm making sure I test just in case.