Harry and Grissom

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Nov 22, 2006
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Oh my god, am i having trouble with these two. Harry, the neutered male, and Nutmeg(girl) get along just fine. I think they have a thing for each other. :-*
But Harry and Grissom(girl) i am really struggling to bond. I get them out together, on me they are fine. But if just on the floor or in a cage they chatter teeth and get quite vocal, and Grissom, whom is the aggressor, will nip Harry. I had the girls on the floor in front of the Harrys cage, grissom jumped in. For a very short while things were going ok,, then the chattering started and they both atacked. I mean properly. No blood shed but they really had a go at each other. I separated them and put one down one side of my jumper, one down the other until they were calm then returned them to their separate cages. Should i continue with just getting them out on me or keep putting them outside the cage. Without access to inside it! I just want Harry to be happy with the girls.
The 2 girls been on there own together before Harry moved in? Maybe she doesn't like him being with her friend?
Yeah, the two girls are about 7 months old now. Been together since i got them. My OH was wondering the same as you. Is there a chance they will bond do you think?
I'm not too sure - hopefully others can advise :) Sorry. I would like to think think that is is possible :)

I like to keep mine to a round number, maybe three's a crowd - you know?
it amazes me to hear of a sow fighting or even chattering I never ever get this problem but my girls are in one hugh run and accept any new sows I choose to put in with them, babys or older ones they sniff and then end up snuggling them, but why does she attack a male, maybe shes protecting her cage mate from who she thinks is a threat and she wants to be the dominant pig , I just told my daughter of 11 and she said but girls dont fight guess I'm just lucky hope you get it sorted soon,
I would not give up all hope but be watchful and be prepared to seperate quickly, give them food to distract them and maybe a few hidey places while out and then see what she does, she might run and hide or he might do so or maybe just knowing they can hide if needed will eliminate the fighting, good luck
I had the girls on the floor earlier. Kept Harry in the cage. All they did was try and eat the bars on the cage, quite ferociously. When i got him out Grissom was quite calm, then all three started attacking the bars! So i let Harry back in as thats where he wanted to go. Hopefully given time Grissom will mellow enough to allow Harry to live with them. I've tried putting enough hidies in for all of them, Harry just goes chasing Nutmeg and that seems to upset Grissom.
Grissom is quite small really, smaller then Nutmeg even. Perhaps she's making up for her size! :)
Maybe that's what you should carry on doing, reintroducing them slowly - letting them get used to each other on their own terms :)
kellyandpiggies said:
Maybe that's what you should carry on doing, reintroducing them slowly - letting them get used to each other on their own terms :)

Yeah, think i will do that. Id love for him to be in there with the girls. Patience and perserverence i guess. Thanks for the replys guys.
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