Harry and Dude

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Sep 3, 2008
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As regulars on the forum will know, these two are scrapping a little bit. It's settled down a bit, but over the past couple of days they have been a little grumpy. What I've noticed is that when we put them in the run in the kitchen they seen fairly happy, not a lot, if any, arguing happens. They popcorn and chase each other round.

The last couple of days though the boys have seemed very lethagic in their cage, snappy with each other and even grating their teeth at us when we go to pick them up. Harry usually is quite chatty and excited when he hears the OH or a plastic bag rustling, but this hasn't happened over the last 2 days. They also seem to be just lying around quite a bit.

Health wise there is nothing wrong with them, except the lice. Eating and drinking well and they are both a good size and weight. I'm thinking they are maybe bored in their cage and this is why they are lethagic and grumpy.

They have 2 seperate homes, a manger with hay, food bowl, water and a cardboard tube and wooden chew sticks. We also put in a small bowl with either more hay or fruit/veg. Because I think they are bored, I think they need something else in their cage to entertain them. Or am I totally wrong about this?

Any thoughts?
Anyone have any ideas for entertaining possibly board piggies?
You could try stuffing loo rolls with hay or brown paper bags (this is one I am going to try!)

Do they come out of their cage for floor space and/or cuddles etc?
I've just decided that are moody things at times. Tonight they have been happy and more than happy to come up and investigate us. Usually like cuddles. We've bought a wooly hat, Harry especially likes snuggling in it, but the toilet roll idea I will try thanks
You could hide their fav food around the run so that they have to find it iam sure that that will keep them happy for a long time ,lol

hope this helps xx
It's not really in the run that we have the problem. There is just about no arguement from them when they are in the run and seem to be very happy running around after each other. It's just in the cage. Although the new hat seems to have gone down very well.
Every time they go on it (you're meant to go in it Harry and Dude) they popcorn and roll around then carry on as normal once off it. Very funny!
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