Harriet’s Herd Thread!


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 31, 2021
Reaction score
New York, USA
I’ve see quite a few of these around, so I figured I’d make a thread for my girls!
I don’t have a really herd anymore (after Charlotte, Holly, and Harriet passed from something poisonous in the hay :(), but my ladies are definitely a handful even with just the two of them left, especially cheeky little Snickerdoodle.

Both pigs are doing well. Sylvia had a small uri but it was nothing serious and she’s back in full health after a bout of apparently very tasty antibiotics :))
Little Snickerdoodle is growing so quickly, she’s already almost as big as Sylvia! (Although, granted, Sylvia has always been on the smaller side of the piggy spectrum due to malnourishment as a baby before I got her)

Starting this thread off with one of my favorite pigtures of these two :wub:

They're beautiful. That's so sad about your other 3 piggies, did you ever find out what it was in the hay?
They're beautiful. That's so sad about your other 3 piggies, did you ever find out what it was in the hay?
Thank you xx
We didn’t unfortunately.. it was definitely something very quick moving and highly toxic though, it was all very sudden. Woke up to find the two youngest had gone in the night and the next day Harriet had to be rushed to the vet where she had to be PTS (she couldn’t eat or drink, wouldn’t respond to critical care, couldn’t even walk). :(
The vet said that the farm may have put rat poison on the hay to keep away pests, and just gotten careless about it. Needless to say, we won’t ever be buying from them again.
Whoops, I haven’t updated this thread in a bit! I’ve been very busy with my various animals recently (with Kody’s (my golden retriever) ear infection and getting the new bird cage set up, I’ve barely been able to breathe!)

Anyway, here are the girls enjoying a little treat of a pea flake each.

And of course a picture of Sylvia starving to death, because one isn’t ever enough :P