Harmony At Last

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New Born Pup
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
Bath UK
I have had to separate 2 of my boars, which I didn't like doing but it was the right thing to do. My boys have lived together for 2.5 years and the last few months have been very stressful for George.
Zippy had become a very dominant male. He was mounting George 50% of the day and george had become a very sad lad and was losing weight. Zippy was a very Porky pig! They are near by each other for company and I hear them wheeking to each other. Both piggies are so much better off now thankfully! Has anyone else had to do this to make the piggies happier?
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Hi! Bullying can happen and yes, some adult boars - while still bonded with each other - are much happier with having their own territory while still able to interact through the bars at all times. Please make sure that they can see and touch each other for ongoing stimulation and interaction.

It is more common in hormonal sub-adult boars, though.
Hi! Thanks for reply :) I think that's why they are so happy now as they still see/interact but love having their own space too. Hope my girls all stay bonded! I've no room to separate anymore. I've never had a problem with girls in all the years I had them so fingers crossed all will stay well with the baby girls.
Hi! Thanks for reply :) I think that's why they are so happy now as they still see/interact but love having their own space too. Hope my girls all stay bonded! I've no room to separate anymore. I've never had a problem with girls in all the years I had them so fingers crossed all will stay well with the baby girls.

You could always consider having one or both boars neutered, so each could live with his own girls. ;)
There are some good vets in the Bristol area. https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/pages/guinea-pig-vet-locator/
Maybe but I've only ever had to have 2 operated on and the both died within hours of coming home, so I won't do it unless there is no other option :love:
Maybe but I've only ever had to have 2 operated on and the both died within hours of coming home, so I won't do it unless there is no other option :love:

I am very sorry for your bad experiences. Thankfully, things have improved a lot in the last few years although finding a good vet is still crucial.
Good luck with whatever you chose, it's good even this way that they have their own space but can still have each other's company
Aww bless them! Hope you manage to get it sorted, it's awful when they argue!
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