Hardened Fleece.


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all,

Where my boars decide to do their businesses (usually inside their huts) the fleece has gotten rediculously hard. Like rock hard. I try to use pee pads but they don't seem to prevent the issue and it's got to an unmanageble point. I have 2 other boars in a different cage that also use fleece but they don't seem to have this issue. I don't know what is causing it nor how to remove or prevent it.

I've tried soaking it in diluted vinegar for half a day which seemed to have done nothing to it. I've applied pure vinegar to it and still nothing. Even tried boiling water just to get it to do anything but nothing I've tried seems to have any effect on the area. I haven't tried a more alkeline solution like bleach as I don't want to apply any chemicals which much linger after a wash and hurt the guineas.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Try moving the fleece away from where they do their business and put down puppy pads and hay, that might help, I don’t have fleece down where they go, good luck 🤞
Thanks for the advice,

I'm looking specifically at advice on how to remove the deposit however. The fleece is exactly the size of the cage and so I cannot move it how you describe
I had a few small pee pads go very hard, despite numerous washes.
In the end I soaked them in plain water numerous times and swirled it all occasionally. These pads never fully recovered but we can still use them, they are some of our most used pads, in the boys favourite spots to pee!
From other posts where this issue has come up, putting on a hot wash with vinegar and line drying has often helped but it may take a few goes. If you’ve tried it several times and it’s not helped, then perhaps the fleece is too far gone now for it to go back to how it was

Perhaps, using the above suggestion, you could fold the fleece over and use it so it only takes half the cage?
Thanks for the advice,

I'm looking specifically at advice on how to remove the deposit however. The fleece is exactly the size of the cage and so I cannot move it how you describe
Yeah as post below, mine are size of cage, fold under, add puppy pads and hay there and see how you get on, good luck 🤞