Happy or not?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 10, 2009
Reaction score
Pickering, North Yorkshire
Whenever I go to the fridge Treacle starts running around wheeking. Does this means she knows thats where the food is and is telling me to give her some or is she not happy about the sound of me walking past? Sorry its a silly question but I only got them yesterday and they already come running out from wherever they're hiding when they hear me go to the fridge and start making that noise so I'm curious ?/
if she was scared of you she'd run and hide.
from what you described i can assure you she's just excited about the prospect of a possible veggie snack!
how old are they? it's pretty good that they're already coming out to nag you for food, mine are the politest pigs ever and i only get a quiet little chatter when it's their breakfast time!
They were 7 weeks old yesterday I believe. Dont get me wrong, they run to their bed if they see my hand coming near them lol but if I'm at the fridge then they are at the bars of cage wheeking! :))
hah. thats a good sign of healthy WHINY piggies. hahaa :] some are even shy to come out for food time especially for the first week or so. so youre very lucky they already come to look for you when its foodtime :]
They'll have you piggy-trained in no time!
Babies learn so fast! I started rustling a bag yesterday in the kitchen and heard wheeking- as soon as I went up to see the little piggies, they actually ran up to me wheeking away. They were running round at my feet like little puppies until I'd put their food down. x
Thank you for the replies, I'm glad its not because they are scared of me walking past. They run round and round the cage trying to get away from me when I try to handle them though but I guess this is to be expected until they settle down and learn to trust me :-)
Yes sounds like they know already where the food comes from it normally takes a few weeks to figure that one out, they are very smart piggies. I'm sure they'll be tame in no time! x
You can make them come up to you by offering them a treat on your open hand.
yes these pigs are smart. they can adapt with environment fast. like how those ducklings follow the mother duck.. i believe this is sort of their behavior and they consider you as the mother pig.

body care, weight loss
Thank you very much for replies. The piggies are certainly smart, they respond to my voice with wheeking now, they certainly know who feeds them :))
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