Happy fourth gotcha day Odi!

Viennese Furbabies

Forum Buddy
May 20, 2021
Reaction score
Vienna, Austria
My sweet boy moved in with us four years ago.
Of course back then, he wasn't that sweet. He was stressed, fear aggressive and pretty annoying to the girls, showing no manners at all.
But I managed to persuade Billie to except him into her group (that wouldn't have worked with any other sow but Billie and I had a very special bond) and with time and patience he got more relaxed, learned part of the rules of the group and really started to enjoy life.
I always felt that his life started all over again when he came to us. And I'm so happy that he could enjoy this life for four years - and I hope for many more, at least months of not years, because he is probably nearly 6.5 years now.
But still very energetic and not showing his age at all.
For about a year now, we have established a hand feeding routine because he isn't able to bite off any veggies due to his teeth problems. Last year in November, I thought that I would loose him soon because the teeth got worse and worse. But we found a way to live with it - and what's another hour per day of sleep for me anyway?

i'm so happy you came into our lives four years ago Odi (not so sure about Tessy though).
Mummy loves you! 💞