Happiness Is. . .

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 4, 2007
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. . . . a digging box with food you can hide in.

Prissie and Marmaduke don't have a lot of toys because they don't tend to use them and they reduce the running space. But Prissie can often be seen digging for lost food. So I've made her a digging box with a high backed litter tray, hay and chopped card and hidden some oats in it. She obviously has got the point :). Marmaduke just looks a little confused - he doesn't have a cateract it's just the way the flash has shone off his eye.

It's ecopetbed which is chopped cardboard and very low dust and wicks away urine very well.

It looks like it ought to be difficult to walk on, but they manage fine. I usually flatten it down in the cage - but Madame Prissie then proceeds to dig it all over in the hope there might be a tiny little piece of lost food down there :).

The old girls have got fleece cosies, but still seem to prefer making themselves a little hollow to lie in :)

Marmaduke managed to get his turn later on when Prissie had gone back to her favourite hobby of trying to convince me she has expired by lying as flat as its piggily possible to do so.

Hi there, your bedding looks very similar to stuff we used for one of our horses bedding, it has the similar name of ecobed but is only about £8 for 20kg which I think is a lot cheaper than ecopet. worth a look at least. ;)
I used ecobed but found it stank quickly and took a lot longer to clean out, I use newspaper and hay now roll it up and bin it as I clean them daily I need something easy!

Your boy certainly looks dazed :)).... .
I don't think he was expecting the flash.

The bedding works well for us - we tend to get a week out of a deep layer with two piggies and it's also ideal for the bottom of the chinchillas cage as it is very low dust and doesn't get I their fur. I'm also allergic to megazorb which is very annoying.

The only pet on fleece is my 3 footed degu - he's a nightmare because he completely trashes his expensive hammocks, but will develop a pressure sore on his stump if we are not very careful indeed.

We take a trip over to the suppliers who are in nice part of shropshire and have lunch at the local pub a couple of times a year, so it's reasonable in price.

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