Teenage Guinea Pig
. . . . a digging box with food you can hide in.
Prissie and Marmaduke don't have a lot of toys because they don't tend to use them and they reduce the running space. But Prissie can often be seen digging for lost food. So I've made her a digging box with a high backed litter tray, hay and chopped card and hidden some oats in it. She obviously has got the point . Marmaduke just looks a little confused - he doesn't have a cateract it's just the way the flash has shone off his eye.
Prissie and Marmaduke don't have a lot of toys because they don't tend to use them and they reduce the running space. But Prissie can often be seen digging for lost food. So I've made her a digging box with a high backed litter tray, hay and chopped card and hidden some oats in it. She obviously has got the point . Marmaduke just looks a little confused - he doesn't have a cateract it's just the way the flash has shone off his eye.