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Hannah has pneumonia

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Forum Founder
Jan 23, 2006
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My little piggie Hannah is staying at the vets tonight as my mum took her to the vets this morning when she noticed Hannah wasn't breating properly. She said it look as though Hannah was finding it hard to breathe and that after every couple of breaths she would take a massive gasp for the next breath.

The vet first thought it could be something stuck down the back of her throat as they said they could see something green down her throat and asked if they could Xray her. The x-rays show that Hannah has pneumonia and has quite a bit of fluid on her lungs. They are currently giving her baytril and something begining with D which looked like the word diazapam (not that drug but something sounding similar) to help get the fluid of her lungs.

Hannah has never been ill before and has never had to have any antibiotics - she is also just under a year old!

I am really worried as I have had 2 guinea pigs which have died of pneumonia - my baby Fluffy (was 6 though when she had it!) and Unclie Whiskey. When they both had it they went down hill very quickly. Hannah first went to the vets at 11 and I went to go and see her after work tonight at 6.

My mum and the vet said she is not having to take the big breaths anymore but is still very poorly. When I went to see her she was sitting in the corner and when I held her I could feel on my chest that her breathing wasn't right. Her mouth was also very wide open. I also noticed that her ears were sticking up more than they usually do too! Also after I held her I put her to the back of the cage near the food and she turned around and moved forward a bit which my mum said she wasn't really moving much this morning.

Has anybody else been in the same situation? I just hope that she makes it through the night and fights the pneumonia.

Another thing is that my mum asked the vet nurse about whether she could have caught this off my house rabbit as she read somewhere on the internet which says that guinea pigs can catch a bacteria a lot of rabbits have which isn't harmful to them but causes pneumonia in guinea pigs. She wasn't sure and said she would ask the vet about it. Has anybody heard about this too?
Oh, Ellie, I'm so sorry, I can't advise you as I don't know but lots of love and good luck is coming your way xx
I'm afraid I can't help either Ellie. I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and I hope that Hannah gets better very soon
So sorry to hear this lovey.. you may remember that Jin died of pneumonia so its a bit of a touchy subject, and of course your Fluffy had it too..

They can get better, because of her age, she is more than likely to come out better.. With pneumonia, they go downhill quickly before the chance of coming back up and getting well (Don't know if that makes sense).

She has to let the pneumonia take control for a while.. She's in the best hands possible at the moment..

Big hugs to you and hope to hear some positive news soon.

xx Kelly xx
Ellie I'm so hoping everything turns out alright for you and Hannah, my 2 babes were in the vets this time last week and that turned out bad for me but i have a very good feeling for you, she is young and receiving treatment, there really is'nt anything else you can do so keep us all informed we are all worrying, :)
I'm also very sorry....actually, my princess just got over her pneumonia. she had the same symptoms. she lost weight very quickly and stop doing EVERYTHING. i was really worried. but keep your head up. i was very doubtful also but after 12 weeks, princess is back to her old self. give the piggy a chance, you never know. it is true about piggies and rabbits. it isnt a good thing to house piggies with bunnies because they cant catch bacteria from them, and rabbits can hurt piggies (not on purpose though). the hind legs on rabbits can really injure them so its not recommended that they stay together. but like i said, hang in there.....i was very worried too, but it worked out in the end. x
Hannah made it through the night and this morning we got a call sayin she has made a slight improvement and that her breathing is calmer but her chest still sounds really bad. They also said during the night she has eaten a little too!

We have asked if we can bring her home for tonight and the vet has just called to say that is fine and we are collecting her at quarter past 5. This just brings so much back with Fluffy being ill so I will do my very best to get Hannah right.

I will let you all know how she is!

Thanks for all your kind messages!
Quite good cos today I was meant to be working 8 - 6 and having tomorrow off as my day off (work 10 hrs over 4 days and have a day off) but because we had too many staff to the number of children we had they said I could leave at 3 if I wanted. Don't have to be back at work till Monday now so I will do my very best to look after her. I will not let her die. She is only about 10months old.

Still early days. She is a little fighter. My mum says its weird seeing her at the vet in the hosp bit cos her notes are on front of cage and says "Hannah Postles - Pneumonia" - my sister is Hannah so it looks like it is about her! lol
LOL - I'm sure she'll be fine, she has her young age on her side.

3 days off and you've only just returned! LOL
glad that there is slight improvement. I'm sure you will do your best. you know where we all are if you need any advie, support or help. good luck. michele
Hannah is back and she looks pretty much back to her old self - she is walking about which she wasnt at all yesday and she ate a bit by herself. She is going back to the vets in morning for more of her injections. Hannah also seems very alert and when she saw Badger (let him see her but not go too close to her) and he ran past her and she went to go and follow him lol. She is also washing (not as well as she usually can!) and scratching. I am so proud of her - I will do everything for her. The bill so far is about £85...! I would pay anything in the world for her!
Sorry to hear about Hannah, but glad that she is making progress. I'm sure she will respond to being back home again, with lots of love around her.

Keeping fingers and toes crossed for her -

love to you and her,
Caroline x
I'm so glad to hear that hannah is doing better. keep it up. shes young which makes her chances sooooo much better. you all are in my thoughts.. :)
I have also heard that rabbits can cause illness to guinea by the passing of bacteria but never experienced it with mine, so good to hear shes making progress hope she gets better soon x
Hannah is nearly back to normal. She is eating bits of fresh food but not really the actual guinea pig food. She was always a picky eater. Her breathing looks a lot better too and just in herself she looks much better. When my mum took her to the vets when she first noticed she was ill, Hannah was finding it very hard to breathe like I said and also had her mouth wide open. Her mouth is no longer open and she looks back to normal. My mum also said when she was ill she put her on the floor while she ran upstairs to get phone book to call vet and when she came back down Hannah hadn't moved. Hannah is now running about the floor... we tell her to walk so she won't get out of breath and we don't let her out for too long as it might cause problems with her breathing. Her fav place like always to go is Badgers cage and stands up the bars to see him! :)
I'm glad she is feeling better. *Hugs* to Hannah, and to you too Ellie.

x Lady Tuppence x
so very glad you have had a happy ending I know vets are expensive but we love our piggys my bill for both pigs last week was well over £300, but hey its only money lol just joking but as long as my animals are well thats all that matters to me, guess i'm just a softy like you all are ;)
Aww, I am glad she is improving and feeling a bit better. She sure is a little fighter, big hugs to Hannah!
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