Handsome Boy

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Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2017
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Just had to share Angus in all his long haired glory! I brush him daily and work his body hair into a smart centre parting and his fringe in a fetching side parting, but it doesn't last long! He reluctantly tolerates my styling but I have a great time!
Thank you ☺️ I did catch myself lost in memories last night of brushing my dollies hair when I was a nipper, smiling and brushing away in my own world whilst Angus sits there chuntering at me, clearly not impressed!
Awwwww Angus you poor little dude! I must say your hair is exquisite :wub:
What kind of brush do you use? My two are not at all keen on grooming sessions. I have only ever used scissors, no brushing.

Angus is utterly gorgeous, as i have said before and probably will again!
Thanks guys, Angus agrees with you! I use one of those mini paddle brushes with the wire bristles that have little balls on the ends (don't know what they're called!)
I recently bought Betsy a new brush from The Range called a Porcupine brush as she had fallen out BIG time with her comb. It is like a normal brush but has longer bristles in a few places with little plastic balls on the end. She still isn't keen on the old grooming bit every day but def prefers it to her comb.IMG_0285.webp
Angus is such a gorgeous little guy! :wub: When my girls get brushed they promptly get as much hay in it their hair as possible. :))
I recently bought Betsy a new brush from The Range called a Porcupine brush as she had fallen out BIG time with her comb. It is like a normal brush but has longer bristles in a few places with little plastic balls on the end. She still isn't keen on the old grooming bit every day but def prefers it to her comb.View attachment 63275

Maybe I'll alter that last comment. She has now fallen out with the brush too! Here she is trying to escape her daily groom. She started off on my lap but soon scarpered!

IMG_0285.webp IMG_0286.webp IMG_0287.webp
Thanks she is a rather gorgeous Sheltie. It is good to know that other people have problems grooming their gp's too. Last summer I got the pet clippers out cos it was so hot and I was worried about her overheating. She looked a lot more comfortable but very strange!

I think you style Angus's hair very well!
Thanks! I'm debating when to do the summer cut but just can't bear to loose the locks! I'll certainly keep his fringe long as I'd miss it too much!
I will post pics of his immediate post grooming look before he wrecks it!
I am envious of Shelties, they're beautiful and your Betsy has such unique colouring. Cute name too!
brushing... combing... your pigs are so well educated, I see! Yesterday Calipso bit me on my finger and started swearing like a "turkish" pig... only for a short grooming session... :(
brushing... combing... your pigs are so well educated, I see! Yesterday Calipso bit me on my finger and started swearing like a "turkish" pig... only for a short grooming session... :(

Not a good mannered piggie at all! Is Calipso OK with being stroked?
:oops: pressed the Post Reply button too soon! I started off with stroking Betsy until she got used to the feel of my hand over her back. When she didn't mind this then I got out the comb. I stroked her then combed her, stroked, then combed only a couple of times until she got used to that then I just increased the combing and knocked of the stroking. She only tends to get tangled around her bum now and every few weeks I give her a very fashionable wedge cut. I also cut off her beautiful skirts round her sides to stop hay from getting caught in it. Hope this helps Calipso be a bit more polite!

PS Betsy and the comb fell out BIG time so I bought a brush with plastic bits on the end called a Porcupine Brush she's not keen on this either!Porcupine Brush.webp
Calipso likes being stroken but when she feels like, when it is the right moment... she has a temper. Anyway, when it is time to have a bath, she agrees... not really happy, but she understands... I must say that despite the fact I hardly ever brush my piggies, their fur is soft and with no tangles:
IMG_3223.webp IMG_3226.webp IMG_3221.webp Angus's hair is well and truly messed up now.... I brushed him tonight and then added some packing cardboard as stimulation - I should've thought it through! They love the shredded cardboard though
Am going to making a fleece forest for mine. I have an old fleece jacket and I'm going to cut the sleeves into long strip and tie them to the top of the run for them to hide in. I'll make the strips different lengths. Hopefully they will like it.
Blitzen hates being groomed too. I'm like @flowerfairy these days, I just make sure his fur is free from knots and foreign objects because hay gets tangled in his fur every so often. If something is stuck I'll cut it out, he tolerates that okay. The things we do for our long haired friends!
I give Betsy a very becoming wedge cut every few weeks - she due another this week. Not keen on the old scissors either even though she is bribed with veg and her favourite parsley! When she knows she's for a new haircut she's like:help: :yikes:!
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