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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 25, 2016
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I have 2 9 week old females I've had them a week now I sit in the run with them daily they happily run crazy round me, take food from me etc but as soon as I go to pet them they are petrified and hide I can't get any where near them :( to get them in and out of the run I just a box. What the best way to go about this. I'm a first time owner and don't want to scare them.
Hey, this is very normal honestly - we have all been there - you should be very pleased they are taking food off you. Keep going that is excellent progress!

Piggies are prey animals by instinct and hate been picked up as it goes against all instincts they have, so a cosy/tunnel is a good way to go as you can herd them into it. Have a look at this video below

This may help take the stress out of picking them up for both you and them

We had a very scared piggy called Vimto, she was that scared she was a biter! We started lap time for a short amount of time at first and build up. We started off with lap-times for 1 minute then popped her back, slowly increasing the time. We fed her a sprig or two of coriander at lap time too - They will soon associate you with food and good things but at first it takes a while to gain their trust, so food is a great bribery.

We have a great thread here so well worth a read How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?

Interaction in the cage or run will happen, we can fuss Widget without her running away as long as it is a head rub... Sasspy will only accept chin rubs any other touching and she will run off. Vimto will only occasionally let you fuss her in the cage and we have had her 3 years now. It is all about finding what they like and building that bond. Early days yet, I think you are doing well

Welcome to the forum

I think you're doing quite well to have them happily running around you and take food off you after a week! It just takes time and patience but eventually they'll get there
Welcome to the forum. You are doing very well after only a week. My boars run for cover every time I move when they are having floor time. I talk quietly to them all the time so they know it's only me around them and leave little bits of food around their hiding places which are set out in a trail so they can go from one to the other with quick runs between each one. This is after 2 years, one piggy is much more timid than the other, they have their own characters just like people and I guess Peanut will always be timid now.
Thank you, glad to know I'm not doing too bad with them :)
Yesterday I actually managed to stroke both of them aswell as my daughter and husband! They were both on the lawn munching away on the grass and it was like they were memorised by eating grass lol. Was lovely to feel their silky coats
I think you are doing really well too :)

I've mentioned before on similar threads that Hettie is still skittish after being with us for over 2 years! she will take food off us but legs it as soon as we go to pick her up.

I think some piggies are just more shy than others!
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