New Born Pup
Hi, as I've posted on here before I'm a new owner of 2 rescue sows, about 5 and 6 months old, since last Friday. They're still very terrified of me, though they've begun to explore parts of their pen that I have covered with a towel. I've started to lay down next to them which results in them either dead staring at me or sometimes bobbing their head up and down at me so maybe they don't hate it too much haha. Any attempts at feeding them when I'm near their cage or hand feeding them only result in them balling up in their hides or violently running away, which I understand is normal for how new they are. My question is that on Sunday I'm going to need to deep clean their pen for the first time due to its fleece bedding, in which the pigs will have to be moved out and into a play pen. Since they're so skittish I haven't dared to touch them yet, but I'm wondering what would be best, both for getting them to trust me and to keep their list of traumatic events down, either to start to warm them up to being handled by attempting a brief handling moment each day before Sunday, or just let it be a single fearful endeavor when they need to be taken out of their cage for the clean. Thank you for help!