Handling Questions

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Aug 16, 2010
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Morning all,

Well Pepper and George came out for an hour last night and I just have a couple of questions.

George is the older / bigger of the two and he will literally just sit on my lap or chest and not move while being stroked. He sits so still he almost looks like a teddy. I tried to hand feed him some cucumber strips last night but he was having none of it. Is the generally thought if he didnt like to be stroked he would run / jump off my lap? ie is he happy enough to be groomed on my lap.

Now Peppa is the opposite, he sat on my chest for 10 mins ate a few strips of cucumber then went for a walk on me. He actually decided that he liked being sat under my chin and just sat there for a good 10mins.

This morning when giving them hay they came over to me for a sniff / stroke too which is the first time they have done this :)


My first thought would be that George went into a "playing dead" stance. He's probably quite nervous, but if you keep handling him little and often he should get more confident around you. :)
Gearge is literally frightened enough to play "dead piggy" - he's a prey animal, remember. Not all piggies are familiar with being handled by humans. Give him time and be gentle with him.

And be prepared that the next phase will be that he will get very wiggly and will try to get back to the cage - but at least you will know then that he trusts you enough to communicate his true feelings to you. It may take a bit longer for him to come round, but with patience and Peppa's example, he will do so in the end! He may profit from having cuddles together with George.
My two are exactly the same. I have had them two weeks now and Tinka will be all over us and wont hardly sit still, she will eat anything from our hands. Belle will sit on our laps and not move and would not eat from us at all. Not even cucumber.
But these last few days she has got a bit used to us. She came out of hidey for some food last night from my hand.
Yesterday both piggies were on the kids lap being stroked and Tinka just lay flat out with her legs stretched out behind her, totally relaxed.
Belle stretches out as well like a sausage dog! They have started purring as well when being stroked and its lovely.

When we have them out in the hall for a long run once they have had enough they go and sit by the living room door as if to say OK can we go back now? Its almost like a dog!
They have also got used to jumping into their cozies now to be transported back and forth which is great!
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