Handling problem. Newish owner.


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 14, 2022
Reaction score

I have 4 sows in a large cage. They have been with me for 3 months.
Eldest 5 months.
Middle 4 months
Two sisters 3 months.

I am trying to get them out daily for checks and a hug. The other 3 settle down after about 5 mins and even have a nap now.

They middle one is always find fitdeting and fighting me and it's always a struggle.she never settles.tried to check her this morning and gave up again after 15 min struggle.

I dont mind if she does not like being handled but how do I check her properly?

To be honest don't want to pick her up some days. She is eating v well and looks very healthy.

Should I persevere?

I have had GP's before so not a complete novice.

My developing problem is e
I have one cuddly boar and two sows who'd really rather not. It's a shame, but I just keep an eye on them (without handling) until weigh day each week, them give them a functional once-over before putting them back. As they don't like being handled, picking them up and stressing them out frequently would just create a bad association with me for them. I hope they come to enjoy it one day, but they are prey animals so a lot of them never do come round. I just enjoy watching them interact with their friends, and hand-feeding them when I can 😊
I’ve only ever had one boar that enjoyed being handled. It’s perfectly normal, prey behaviour for piggies not to enjoy being handled. Your pigs are very young, and providing you handle with care they will eventually become more confident. Try guiding them into a safe box or snug to lift them out if it’s safer and less stressful for them.

Guinea pigs as a rule don’t like being handled or fussed. It’s why they don’t make great pets for children. We can however, have some lovely interaction with them.

My boys are only handled once or twice a week for weigh ins, health checks, floor time etc. I only handle more regularly if they require specialist care.

Have you tried just being in a safe space with them? Is there somewhere they can have floor time and you could sit in there? Let them approach you? An occasional treat may help.
Do you cover them with a towel when you are cuddling them? If not the middle one might prefer to be hidden to feel safe.