Handling My Shy Piggy.

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New Born Pup
Aug 26, 2014
Reaction score
Galveston, TX
Okay so I've had Lucy for about a week now. She seems pretty comfortable, she takes treats right out of my hand, and she will come out of her house and make little noises to let me know she wants more! I want to be able to handle her, but if I touch her at all she freaks out and starts jumping around the cage. I thought maybe if I could just pick her up I could get her to calm down while holding her, but would she bite me if she was really upset? So how do I go about getting her used to being touched?
@chelbrot Here's a great video showing you how to take the stress out of picking piggies up, we use this technique a lot as trying to pick up piggies stresses even the most tamest piggies out as they are prey animals, so being picked up and carried goes against their natural instincts

Lucy, will get used to you for sure. It is early days yet :)

Collect Lucy in one of the ways shown above and have her on you lap for a small amount of time at first, give her a nice veggie treat so she associates you with good things then pop her home. Gradually increase the amount of time on your lap, she will soon begin to associate you with good things. It can take a while so patience is needed, but I am sure you will have success.

Welcome to the forum by the way :)
Hi I've just got two baby girls , I am nervous because they are quick, I. Get my daughter to help me , she says to be calm and positive yes I know easier said than done , we will get there with love and patience , Lucy is a lovely piggy, love the name to.:roll:
Thanks y'all! I didn't have a tube or anything, but I just flipped her house upside down and got her to climb into it, and brought it over and sat on the couch. She didn't want to come out from sitting in the house, but she did let me pet her for five or so minutes without freaking out! Progress!
with shy piggies, or piggies who dislike being picked up, i either pick them up in their little cosy beds, or i offer them the carrier and let them hop in themselves. :)
You must be doing something right as your piggy is taking food out of your hand and you have only had her for a week! I've had Teddy since April and it's only this week that he has started taking food from my hand! He is also very skittish but once I have caught him he settles down and lets me cuddle him :)
It can take months for a piggy to trust their human friends.
I know its probably not reccomended but when I got both of my boys I left them to settle in for 24hours and then went straight in with picking them up. Kinder for the first about 3 times just sat still, and Buddy just loitered around my lap. Now they're both really easy to handle they come to me when I got to the hutch and Kinder is still the same but he tends just to get comfortable and sleep and Buddy as usual tends to jump all over me. You just have to initally do it or they will never get used to it I guess
I know its probably not reccomended but when I got both of my boys I left them to settle in for 24hours and then went straight in with picking them up. Kinder for the first about 3 times just sat still, and Buddy just loitered around my lap. Now they're both really easy to handle they come to me when I got to the hutch and Kinder is still the same but he tends just to get comfortable and sleep and Buddy as usual tends to jump all over me. You just have to initally do it or they will never get used to it I guess
I agree this is what we did also. And ours are very good now. Sleeping with eyes shut on our laps ect. We still have a bit of a chase somedays,
But other days they just sit for us to pick up. We always give them their pepper when they're out on our laps or some type of treat also. Nessy is funny. She will be squirmy until she gets her treat and then after she's like okay now I will sit and snuggle. Lol. Kitty gives kisses lots of them. I don't hold nancy as much she is my daughters and really only likes her to have her out for lap time, but she will let me pet her in the cage and close her eyes and she will let me pick her up easily for floor time. We have had Kitty and Nancy since June 18th and Nessy since July 22nd I think.
I agree this is what we did also. And ours are very good now. Sleeping with eyes shut on our laps ect. We still have a bit of a chase somedays,
But other days they just sit for us to pick up. We always give them their pepper when they're out on our laps or some type of treat also. Nessy is funny. She will be squirmy until she gets her treat and then after she's like okay now I will sit and snuggle. Lol. Kitty gives kisses lots of them. I don't hold nancy as much she is my daughters and really only likes her to have her out for lap time, but she will let me pet her in the cage and close her eyes and she will let me pick her up easily for floor time. We have had Kitty and Nancy since June 18th and Nessy since July 22nd I think.
my mum got me my guiena pigs and hasnt really got involved they dont really interact with anyone apart from me. I just went in from the get go, I got both boys on 24th april this year and I'm in love!
I know what you mean, I love my baby girls so much I could spend all day with them :luv: wishful thinking.
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