Handling behaviour - not sure what it means?


New Born Pup
Apr 4, 2022
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Another Boris and Horace question - you guys are just too helpful!

I have been getting the boys out every day since they have been home (nearly two weeks), and they are getting better but still don't like being 'caught' (no guinea pig I ever had growing up did either though!). Horace will come out and eat on my lap immediately but then seems to want to run around or go back in the cage, he isn't very interested in staying still. He nibbles a lot (I know that is normal and doesn't hurt) but I tend to put him back in a couple of minutes as he doesn't seem to really want to cuddle. He will stay still very happily if I am feeding him, and have a stroke but pretty quickly wants to run around. I am going to buy them an indoor play pen when we get back from holiday! Boris was the more scared of the two and used to freeze when we got him out, but he is now eating on our laps too, and tends to stay put longer, and makes less noise (Horace squeaks a lot when he is out). I can't tell whether he is still because he is scared, or if he is enjoying himself. He isn't completely still like he was when we first got him, and will eat happily, but will seem to stay put pretty much until we decide to put him back and join Horace. I sometimes get him out on his own just because he is much less of a handful, but how can I tell he is happy and not just putting up with me?
Only by his reactions really - a piggy who is staying still and not moving is likely scared.
It is best to have them out together for comfort and security but also so that you don’t inadvertently cause dominance issues - you need to respect their hierarchy and handle the dominant piggy first

You don’t say how you are catching them, but herding into a carrier is the recommended method
I use a cuddle sack or a chew tube to entice mine out, they get used to the routine and get excited when the sack or tube comes out, they love the playpen gives them a change of scenery and total floor space to popcorn and dart about.
Only by his reactions really - a piggy who is staying still and not moving is likely scared.
It is best to have them out together for comfort and security but also so that you don’t inadvertently cause dominance issues - you need to respect their hierarchy and handle the dominant piggy first

You don’t say how you are catching them, but herding into a carrier is the recommended method
Yes we usher them into one of their tubes and pick them up, they don't seem to mind too much. I have picked them up by putting my hands in at a sideways angle before and they don't love it but don't seem to mind too much, they still both come up to us for treats and to say hello so don't think I have traumatised them. I do get them out together most of the time, just usually put Horace back first. It is tricky to tell, he isn't completely still as I would definitely pick up on that, he has a sniff around and eats from us while we are petting him - just very different to his brother! I remember having a very placid pig as a kid that would just sit and be stroked and she definitely wasn't scared, but I can't remember what she was like as a baby (I was too young). Horace is nuts and wants to run around everywhere, but then he is bonkers in the cage as well running around everywhere popcorning - he is an agent of chaos!