Handling after introducing new boar

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Jan 2, 2011
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Hi all, I have introduced a baby boar to my adult last night and they seem to be getting along fine, they are now in the same house together and both seem fine together. I just wondered how is it best to start handling them and when?

Sorry for all the questions just don't want to make mistakes.

Sam x
I your older boy is used to being handled, then handle them together.

Whichever way you do it, the important thing is to develop a routine, so the piggies know what is coming and it is no longer "random violence".
This might be a stupid question but what do you mean by random violence? We have been getting snuggle's out at the same time every evening
This might be a stupid question but what do you mean by random violence? We have been getting snuggle's out at the same time every evening

For some piggies that have not been handled before (like many shop piggies for example), we humans look and behave like predators at first. They have yet to learn that we fall in the "friendly, food dispensing" category. Some poor souls are literally so frightened that they will cry out in fear when touched.

I am glad to hear that both your boys are not that skittish, so I wouldn't worry about handling them!
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