Handling Abyssinians

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 30, 2007
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My 5 month old Aby doesn't seem to like to be handled. I was wondering if because of the way the fur goes (Rosettes) it is uncomfortable for them to be handled. I don't stroke his fur because it all goes different ways, I just stroke the top of his head. Does anyone else with Abys find this?
I have a Peruvian/Aby Cross that is like that. I have a pure Aby and he loves a cuddle. So I don't think it is down to the fur but the individual pig. I have a smooth that hates being handled as well. :)
I've got Minty who bites at every opportunity...I can only really stroke the top of his head without him complaining!

Some piggies just are more moody, I think that abys are the more fiesty of breeds...always stroke in the direction the fur grows... O0
Minty is very cute!

I have three aby's and i agree i thik it is just down to the individual piggie, Dermot settles down no problem at all for a cuddle but Sean seems to detest being held. Wendy has chilled out alot since we got her but seems very ticklish, i'm not sure if this is because of the way her fur grows but she jumps a mile if you touch her one side! My smooth haired piggie absolutely loves cuddles and if i sit in with her at floor time she dives on my knee for attention! :smitten:
Rosie is an abby, and shes quite quick and fast, i dont think its a breed thing really....
i swear my housemates abby hates me. he always bites me, and i swear when i go in to check on them while she is away he glares at me ::) he seems to love my bf though 98)
I have a peru cross and a peru and they both dont like to be touched and squeal alot ;D ;D
My aby x Ralfie doesnt mind being cuddled, dont think he cares much either way ;D whereas my sheltie x HATES being picked up, she will get out of any way you hold her and fidget so much ::)
Buttons likes being handled but he goes through spells where all he does is nip or bite your fingers and neck. We just handle him the same way as we do the others and he doesn't mind. He likes the sniff and see who has been handled before him.
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