handbags at dusk

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Staff member
Mar 10, 2009
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Coventry UK
Taffy and Nia had a proper scuffle this evening after Taffy had been challenging Nia (chinning) all of a sudden.

They are in their own respective cage right now. Has anybody with girls' groups more tips on how to best proceed tomorrow apart from having lots of space when they meet again on preferably neutral territory?
Must be something in the air, my three have had handbags yesterday!

Looks like Disney and Ebony had a disagreement, they both now have scabby ears :(

Popped them in the run last night and they were all fine, popcorning etc, put them back in the hutch last night and they were perfectly happy this morning ..... really upset me though
Yeah, I'm upset as well! No blood though with mine - I separated them immediately.

Hopefully, they are better tomorrow. Taffy has obviously decided she is enough at home now to assert herself and challenge the top girl, who took it rather badly... At the moment, it's VERY quiet!
Three of mine were very difficult when they were first bonded. 2 months later and they are still rumbling. You just have to let them get on with it and sort out the pecking order, don't separate them unless it gets nasty. If you do separate them let them calm down then try again fairly soon. It was so hard watching Charlotte and Kizzy that first day, I was so worried they would hurt each other but they are ok now apart from being a bit stroppy :))
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You really mustn't be too quick to jump in and separate. Obviously if it's getting really nasty and they are drawing blood then that's different. It can take a little while for them to sort out who is top pig but then things will settle down. By separating and then reintroducing you are just going to go through the same ritual again and again.

Hopefully it won't be too long before they are getting along just fine.
I have separated them only as far as putting one side of one of the cages down - they can still interact through the bars; just not move from one cage to the other.
honey and gorgeouse go a bit dominating when they are with the other girlys as they all want to be top pig and rosie gets a bit caught in the middle of it all rolleyes so They always have food to distract them when they are together good luck i hope they are friends again soon
I am happy to say that the handbags are back in the cupboard!

The two had a nose to nose first thing, but that was as far as it went. Afterwards Taffy and Tegan were busy popcorning all over the living room while Nerys and Nia had a nap in the T&T cage next door.
Big relief!

My problem was that the two girls decided to do this after everybody had returned from roaming into the joined cages for the night.

I wouldn't say that they're friends; they prefer to ignore each other, but at least they get along again!
Really pleased they put the handbags away - it must have been a shock for you, though.
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