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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Maine, USA
Any tips or advice on how to get new piggies more handable? One of the piggies (yeah they still don't have names) is more outgoing and was handled more in his old home and is more so okay with being picked up. The two Peruvians act like I'm an eagle come down from the heavens to snatch them up and eat them.

Tomorrow during their yard time I'm gonna sit in their pen with them and feed them their veggie mix.
Spend as much time around them as possible, speak to them, put your hand in the cage (so they can smell you) and feed veggies from your hand. When they get more used to you try picking them up in a cozy so they feel safe.
Take your time; trust is a plant that grows only slowly. Interact with them on their level instead of hovering above them - remember that to them you are just a huge potential predator.

You can also try some piggy bondy language kneeling down next to them. Mimic washing your face and head while looking at the sideways - that is piggy language for "I would like to be your friend".

The safest and quickest way to a piggy's heart is always through the guts. Get them to take little grass or herb treats out of your hand first. Not all piggies like to be touched and handled.

Here are more tips:
https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/videos/ (pick-up video)
Oh yes, they have no problem rushing the front of their pen wheeking VERY loudly for veggies.
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