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Hand foot and mouth risk

Sweet Potato

Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 2, 2020
Reaction score
Cheshire, England
A child I work with was sent home with hand foot and mouth this week so far nobody else has caught it and I'm not showing any symptoms myself. I've been avoiding handling/feeding piggies until I've changed my clothes and washed my hands when I come in from work since the day they were sent home but I did have close contact with him on the days leading up to that without taking precautions.

I know hand foot and mouth can be spread between some animals and humans but does anyone know if piggies can catch hand foot and mouth and what symptoms to look out for in my piggies. If anyone knows any other precautions I should be taking please let me know.
A child I work with was sent home with hand foot and mouth this week so far nobody else has caught it and I'm not showing any symptoms myself. I've been avoiding handling/feeding piggies until I've changed my clothes and washed my hands when I come in from work since the day they were sent home but I did have close contact with him on the days leading up to that without taking precautions.

I know hand foot and mouth can be spread between some animals and humans but does anyone know if piggies can catch hand foot and mouth and what symptoms to look out for in my piggies. If anyone knows any other precautions I should be taking please let me know.


As far as I know, guinea pigs are not affected nor can I find any mention of it googling for hand foot and mouth (HFMD).

Only some particular varieties of rats and mice (but NOT all) can pass on the virus to humans - and they are distantly related to guinea pigs on an entirely different branch of rodents. The main zoonotic transmission angle is from cloven-footed animals (cattle, pigs, deer etc.) We have never come across a case of FMD on here or heard of one.

We recommend to use extra good hand-washing hygiene and to refrain from kissing your pets when either side (humans or animals) are affected by a disease.
For the exact hygiene rules and related measures, please have a look at our transmission guide: Contagion - Inter-species transmission and pet care during owner illness/pregnancy (incl. Covid)

All the best for your family!
I've done a bit of googling and I think I was confusing foot and mouth which is a risk for live stock and hand foot and mouth which is spread amongst humans these are apparently very separate things and no animals can catch hand foot and mouth but I will maintain hightend hygiene for the next little while anyway
I've done a bit of googling and I think I was confusing foot and mouth which is a risk for live stock and hand foot and mouth which is spread amongst humans these are apparently very separate things and no animals can catch hand foot and mouth but I will maintain hightend hygiene for the next little while anyway

This is my understanding

Hand, foot and mouth (HFMD) in humans is a virus and is very different to the form farm animals can get (foot and mouth (FMD))
Try not to worry too much, hand foot and mouth is something most people haven’t heard of until it strikes your preschool! It’s uncomfortable in the mouth but not dangerous. Also it is really really common so most grown ups have immunity to it any way although some are unlucky and get it repeatedly.