Half A Poop?

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Cavy Kung-Fu

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
I hope I'm putting this in the right place, if not please feel free to move the post if you can.

So I've noticed a LOT of half poops around the cage lately, does this mean anything?

I wondered if it was to do with a lack of water, they don't drink from their water bottle or the dish I put in there, they just knock that over. I always put loads of water over their veg but idk what else to do. I put the bottle to their mouths and they have a nibble and take some water so they know how the bottle works, I think. Are these things connected? And is there anything else I can do to get them to drink?

Thanks guys, any advice would be great!
smaller poops or mihaped poops could be a sigh of dehydration .?
if the poops are dri and pitted with little marks , and air pockets, it could be a fungl infection?

l would give them an inch peice of cucumber twice a day , to fill there bladders and if it dos,nt change take a sample to your vet
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A urine sample? How on earth do you get a urine sample from a piggie? XD

They're not so much smaller or misshapen it's almost like someone has been cutting their normal poops in half haha. They probably aren't getting enough liquids, I'm giving them cucumber and wet veggies and stuff but I don't really know how else to get fluids into them.

They're behaving as normal and don't show any signs of illness (from what I've read on the forums), but I am concerned about their lack of drinking. I thought it was just because they were in a new home to start with but I've had them home for almost 2 months now.
Guinea pigs don't necessarily drink a lot . Some of them get the majority if water they need from their veg.

Is there any chance you could post a picture of what you are seeing in their cage ?
o ek sorry about that there was another thread about a pig with a blader problem and think l have had my wires crosed :fog:

though l would give the cucumber as a source fluid ,
and if it continues personaly l would take a poo sample (taken over 3 days, to compensate for the life cycle of any parisites that may be upseting the small intestine and poss the anal tract ?

incadently getting a wee sample is easy, all you need is a pet carria and some riged fine grade mesh, and a 15ml syringe to
draw up the wee :tu:
o ek sorry about that there was another thread about a pig with a blader problem and think l have had my wires crosed :fog:

though l would give the cucumber as a source fluid ,
and if it continues personaly l would take a poo sample (taken over 3 days, to compensate for the life cycle of any parisites that may be upseting the small intestine and poss the anal tract ?

incadently getting a wee sample is easy, all you need is a pet carria and some riged fine grade mesh, and a 15ml syringe to
draw up the wee :tu:

What's the mesh for Gizzy?
Whenever I need a urine sample from my guineas, I simply put each of them in a clean plastic carrier and wait. A syringe is the easiest way to collect it.
cut the mesh to the size of the caria base and fasten 4 pencil thicnes peices of wood to the side of the mesh that will be facing downwads, then lay it on the bottom of the carria then put the pig in

the fine mesh is to fine to hurt the pigs feet and he/she can comorftably sit in the caria into they have beeen.
Guinea pigs don't necessarily drink a lot . Some of them get the majority if water they need from their veg.

Is there any chance you could post a picture of what you are seeing in their cage ?

Yes I have read that, I'd just feel more comfortable if they'd use their bottle so I knew they were getting liquid properly lol.
At least I now know how to take a urine sample if I need it! XD

@gizzy how do piggies get parasites if they're just indoors? Mine haven't been outside since they were born as it's been too cold. Can they pick them up in the house?
Haha I will be on poo patrol and gather them up for a photo shoot when I finish work:lol!:
Scin parisites in gps is a bit of a shady under reserched aria and you may hear differing views. as far as l can remember they are 3 types of skin parisite
Mange mite are by far the most dangerous , they burrow under the scin and cause the pig to scrach itself to bits, looseing vast quanterties of hair and enentualy dieing of a combernation of dehidration dew to loss of boddy fluids, (a bit like a burn victim) and sher distress of the ordeal . i beleve they are normaly presant in very small colanies, throuout the life of the pig, being held at bay by the pigs own imune systim. but when the pig is run down and its imune systim is week the colanies multipy very quikly and the pig is powerless to do anyting but die

second are a fur mite , they live on the serface and feed by secreating enzines that sofen up the scin redy to be digested by them . Fur Mites can be seen scuring around in the fur, if lm not mistaken one of mine had an infestation and l took some vidio footage of then with a microscope camera, a few years ago , l will have to find the vid , it is very interesting.
The 3rd are simply a common louse and they could be what is refared to as hay mites!?
bogh 1 and 2 are loosly speeking (nusance value ) but the dangeous one is mange mite .
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how do pigs get them if they are indoors,
best answer if you are taking about mange mites, they are born with them
You're right, I've read a lot of different views on these. Their skin's fine, they're not scratching any more than usual from what I can tell. Can hay mites effect their poos then? That's the only one they might have come into contact with as they have hay (obviously!) but the others they wouldn't have had the chance to pick up. I got them from a good rescue who checked them over so no chance of being born with mites.

I don't think they're I'll or anything as they're doing fine, although Bella is still pretty small but I think she always will be. Really all I want is to get more fluid into them and see why there are half poos in their cage. Still no pictures yet but when I finish work I'll get on that lol.
if you feel uncomfortable ask the rescue what date bid they treeted for mites , and what did they use, and if they are outside the spesifide time pereod for re dosing , then give them another dose
As promised, the half a poo pics! It was fun sorting through them as you can imagine!



I hope these are clear enough to get an idea of what I mean, and hopefully someone can shed some light on this! :D
As promised, the half a poo pics! It was fun sorting through them as you can imagine!

I hope these are clear enough to get an idea of what I mean, and hopefully someone can shed some light on this! :D

Did you ever envisage a time in your life when you would be posting pictures of poo on the Internet ? :lol!:
l,ve seen that before in my pigs, nothing bad hapend
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