Personally I dont see ANYTHING wrong with women having body hair.
The media has brainwashed us that you are only an attractive woman if you dont have hair anywhere - your eyebrows need to be neatly trimmed, no hair in your armpits, no hair on your legs, bikini zone waxed or doing a brazilian straight away - I think it is awful.
Me personally I shave my legs once in a while because I do like it when they just feel smooth from time to time -
but I sometimes have phases where I dont shave. Why not. Am I less of a woman if I dont adhere to the current fashion and beauty rules? I dont think so. My partner thinks I am just as sexy and attractive with or without hair.
If you think back a bit, men with chesthair were just THE thing. Everyone thought it soooooo manly. Now the media has decided that it is "gross" and it all has to go. Think back to the David Hasselhoff Era.
I know a german pagan website on which it actually says women should be PROUD of having this hair - after all, it shows that you are a grown up woman and not a little girl anymore... and I have to say, in a way it makes sense.