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Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 16, 2016
Reaction score
Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section

I have noticed whenever I handle my Guinea pigs I end up covered in hair, even if it is just for a short time to move them from hutch to run.
The hair mainly comes from my smooth Guinea pig.

I have a little brush and I have gently brushed them with it but I'm not sure how long I'm supposed to do it for and how often
Will brushing help with the amount of hair in covered in or is that just part of being a Guinea pig owner that I need to just get used to :blink:
My short coat piggies are actually the worst for shedding hair! I've got a Swiss piggy who malts but nowhere near as much as the smooth coats. Gotta be honest though I don't brush them I only groom my long haired as they get quite messy if I don't :D
Not sure if my ramblings are of any help :D
Haha, unfortunately that's just part of being a piggie owner! Short haired pigs malt a lot! I used to be covered in hair all the time. Brush for as long as the pig allows you, it will start to wriggle when it's done or annoyed. But the more often you brush them, the more often it will get used to it and like it. :luv:
I am constantly covered in hairs!
I'm afraid it's just part of owning piggies!:nod:
Me too.On nail clipping day I'm covered (ten piggies and two rabbits)
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