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hair loss on nose?


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all. Only had my biggies 2 weeks- noticed one had a slight bump on her nose- now there seems to be hair loss. Its nose sore or red etc..any ideas?


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no not in pain let's me stroke the area no problem...its not a totally bald area but hair is a lot shorter/patch getting bigger...my other one is fine and the breeder says she has treated them with stuff for mites etc before we picked them up x
no not in pain let's me stroke the area no problem...its not a totally bald area but hair is a lot shorter/patch getting bigger...my other one is fine and the breeder says she has treated them with stuff for mites etc before we picked them up x
Hm, it could be mites. But I’m not entirely sure, @Wiebke should be able to help you out more. Good luck with your piggie! 💗
Thanks. they live indoors and I have only had them 2 weeks...is it likely she had this before I bought her? xx
My suspicion for a new piggy with hair loss on the nose would be ringworm. However it is important that you get a vet to check and give you the correct diagnosis and the correct treatment. Please do not treat on spec with any over the counter products. You can make things much worse. Please read the guide linked above as if it is ringworm it is contagious and can be passed to humans. So please do take precautions when handling this piggy.
the breeder said she has just treated one of hers for fungal so I'm presuning it has come from there. x
the breeder said she has just treated one of hers for fungal so I'm presuning it has come from there. x

Well, I’d say it’s a pretty good bet she’s sold you a pair of piggies with fungal. Please get them to a vet to get the formal diagnosis and treatment.
I’d also strongly suggest you double check the sex. Good luck with the vet trip.