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Hair loss back - mites or fights?


New Born Pup
Jan 27, 2021
Reaction score
I’ve noticed my two girls Treacle and Tiffin have some hair loss on their backs. It looks as if the hair has been shaved shorter in certain patches (its not bald just short). Their skin is quite dry and flaky but they don’t seem to be itching at all and their friend who lives next door doesn’t have any of the patches. They’ve also had these patches before and the hair has just grown back within a week or two.
I was thinking they were arguing and pulling hair but now I’ve read on the forum that mites are microscopic so I wouldn’t be able to see them. Should I be treating them with ivermectin just in case? Or is this likely a behavioural thing, and if so what do I do about it!? I haven’t seen any huge spats and they happily eat their hay together so I’m not sure the best course of action.

Please do have them seen by a vet to check for potential medical issues such as mites.
Please do not treat on spec. If they require a parasite treatment, then it’s needs to be prescription strength. Any anti parasite treatments you can get from pet shops are not strong enough to deal with any infestation.
I had rescued girls with a bad infestation and got prescription for Xeno 50 mini, depending on weight will determine pipettes needed, check with vet first,
Hi, please take them to the vets as it can be anything from them overgrooming themselves or eachother to mites...ringworm...or a hormonal imbalance...its always worth a check...plus if in doubt they can get a check up while they're there...