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Hair Ball? Not Eating Strange Breathing


Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 11, 2016
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on Sunday night I took my guinea pig Warp to an emergency vet, because he was not eating, drinking or moving from his spot in the corner, he also suddenly had rough dirty looking hair and receded eyes. None had the know how to do anything but provide some fluids and antibiotics. On Monday morning I took him to his usual vet, who said that Warps organs (kidneys stomach etc) were healthy and said the probable cause was a hairball, he gave us Acute Care which I’m supposed to feed him 4 times a day (I chose the times 9, am 12pm, 6pm, and 9pm) and also some cat anti hair ball medicine which he said to give a small amount 2 times a day, I also gave Warp some probiotics. The feedings seem to help him but I’ve noticed his breathing is audible and he also is making a sort of soft grunt with each breath. I also noticed he tried to eat some of the grass I had put out for him but it’s just hanging from his mouth. Any advice for his recovery, opinions on my vets diagnosis, or ideas on his breathing would be very helpful! Thank you very much.
on Sunday night I took my guinea pig Warp to an emergency vet, because he was not eating, drinking or moving from his spot in the corner, he also suddenly had rough dirty looking hair and receded eyes. None had the know how to do anything but provide some fluids and antibiotics. On Monday morning I took him to his usual vet, who said that Warps organs (kidneys stomach etc) were healthy and said the probable cause was a hairball, he gave us Acute Care which I’m supposed to feed him 4 times a day (I chose the times 9, am 12pm, 6pm, and 9pm) and also some cat anti hair ball medicine which he said to give a small amount 2 times a day, I also gave Warp some probiotics. The feedings seem to help him but I’ve noticed his breathing is audible and he also is making a sort of soft grunt with each breath. I also noticed he tried to eat some of the grass I had put out for him but it’s just hanging from his mouth. Any advice for his recovery, opinions on my vets diagnosis, or ideas on his breathing would be very helpful! Thank you very much.

Hi! I am very sorry.

Guinea pigs do not suffer from hair balls. Please see another vet asap.
Your guinea pig is very ill and it is in major pain if it is grunting regularly. Did you get any painkiller?

Did your vet locate the 'hair ball', i.e. a lump in the guts? It is either a tumour or a blockage of the guts in this case.
Is the belly swollen and hard? Then you are dealing with acute bloat.

If your guinea pig has problems with breathing and its sides are heaving, then you are dealing with pneumonia or a very bad respiratory infection.

Here are our syringe feeding tips: Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Hi! I am very sorry.

Guinea pigs do not suffer from hair balls. Please see another vet asap.
Your guinea pig is very ill and it is in major pain if it is grunting regularly. Did you get any painkiller?

Did your vet locate the 'hair ball', i.e. a lump in the guts? It is either a tumour or a blockage of the guts in this case.
Is the belly swollen and hard? Then you are dealing with acute bloat.

If your guinea pig has problems with breathing and its sides are heaving, then you are dealing with pneumonia or a very bad respiratory infection.

Here are our syringe feeding tips: Complete Syringe Feeding Guide
Thank you for the help! I made another vet appointment for today at 2:40, I researched online and saw some saying guinea pigs can have hair balls and my vet said he has surgically removed them before, when I come in for the appointment today I will ask more questions. The last two my stepdad took him in but this time I’m going in with him.
More details: his stomach doesn’t feel hard, but maybe bloated, on Wednesday the 3rd (I weigh all my pigs on Wednesday’s) warp weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces, which is typical for him and on Sunday night he weighed 2 pounds 11 ounces, today he weighed the same.
I've never heard of a piggy having hair balls. They don't groom themselves like rabbits and cats do as they wash themselves with special cleaning fluid from their eyes (not their mouth) so they don't get them. I would definitely see a new more piggy experienced vet asap.

I'm not sure if cat hair ball stuff is okay for them? What kind is it? They often contain meat sources which piggies definitely shouldn't have.

How did the vet diagnose a hair ball? It seems odd to me that they would have said that and not checked for a URI.

Is piggy pooing okay? Any crusty areas around the eyes? If his eyes have receeded it's likely he could be dehydrated too in which case I'd recommend syringing some water and also some critical care mix to keep his guts going.

Hope he's okay!
I've never heard of a piggy having hair balls. They don't groom themselves like rabbits and cats do as they wash themselves with special cleaning fluid from their eyes (not their mouth) so they don't get them. I would definitely see a new more piggy experienced vet asap.

I'm not sure if cat hair ball stuff is okay for them? What kind is it? They often contain meat sources which piggies definitely shouldn't have.

How did the vet diagnose a hair ball? It seems odd to me that they would have said that and not checked for a URI.

Is piggy pooing okay? Any crusty areas around the eyes? If his eyes have receeded it's likely he could be dehydrated too in which case I'd recommend syringing some water and also some critical care mix to keep his guts going.

Hope he's okay!
I took him to the vet at around 2:20 because his condition was rapidly deteriorating, he was really struggling to breath, the vet said he has a really slim chance to survive as he is but they gave him oxygen and said they would call me later in the day (it’s now 4:22). They think he may have gotten some hay or something else “down the wrong pipe”. Please tell me if there’s something that can be done about this! Warp is still in my vets care. I will seek out another vet for my guinea pigs after this is over. I’m just so sad and worried for him.

On the topic of the medicine it did have cod liver oil in it, and when I had Warp at home I did notice hair in his poop, also while he was at home I gave him water along with the food I was syringe feeding. Thank you for the help and support to everyone who has replied, these have been a terrible three days, all I want for Warp is him to feel comfort and happiness.
Update, warp has passed, thank you for your help, I’m going to research more vets in the area for my two remaining guinea pigs.
Update, warp has passed, thank you for your help, I’m going to research more vets in the area for my two remaining guinea pigs.
I am so so sorry for your loss. RIP Little Warp - popcorn free. Big Hugs :hug:
So sorry to hear about your tough journey. Hope your other piggies stay well. RIP Warp.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! So sorry for your loss.
Oh I'm so sorry for your loss :(

It's always hard but you did everything you could. Guinea Lynx I believe is a great source of piggy savvy vets in the US so might be your best bet for looking.

Hope you're doing okay :hug:
So sorry for your loss and I hope your other 2 piggies are coping with the loss of Warp. RIP lovely little Warp. :luv: Xx