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Jan 6, 2010
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United Kingdom.
Cindy had been cuddling with me for about an hour and a bit, she was so getting into britains got talent and casualty, she wee'd on me :|:))
My 2 year old grandaughter does that. She gets so involved watching her favourite 'Peppa Pig' cd she forgets to ask for her potty. Obviously this is what happened to your little piggie tonight! :))
Make sure that you have towel for her - she must have a VERY good bladder!

Being weed on comes with the territory!
It must just have been too exciting for her! I have been lucky so far my piggies have only ever wee'd on my hubbie not me!
When mine are doing cuddles they squeak for the loo, but today...after some tender loving care, bath time and they were enjoyed a snooze wrapped up in their towels, Buttercup ceremoniously (when my back was turned) wriggled free, turned around stuck her bum in the air and wee'd and I mean wee'd a lot all over the sofa. Bearing in mind they were in their towels on top of a large plastic tray on the sofa...I swear she was getting at me for clipping her nails today. I just gave her a kiss....what else could I do? The sofa has survived another day. :(|)
Hahaha. Cindy usually tells me when she needs a wee, she'll either squeak or become really fidgity. Not last night though, she was mesmorised by casualty :))
Same with mine, they'll wriggle and try to get off my lap, so sometimes if I'm ignoring them wriggling and don't realise, then they wee on me!

They usually wait til they go back to their cage though, and then wee straight away, like good piggies :)
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