Had to separate two rescues…


New Born Pup
Dec 29, 2023
Reaction score
… Because one was a boy and one was a girl! 🤦

Took in two pups that had been dumped. They were together when I brought them home and until I set them up in a Living World extra large habitat with a divider. (Note: we keep this house in case of emergencies, for the divider I doubled up and offset extra C&C grids to because their heads are so small they can fit through the squares! - they will be getter larger enclosures or be placed with piggies in larger habitats.)

These two seemed quite close while they were still together. Cuddling, calling for each other, that kind of thing. Even if they can bond with other piggies in my herd (I have neutered boars and intact sows), I’m worried about the emotional trauma of separating them. I have my fingers SUPER crossed that the girl is not pregnant because they seem so young and I did not see any mounting behavior from the little boy. But who knows, I will be watching her.

Right now, they can still touch through the divider. They are in quarantine from my other piggies. My question ultimately is, do you guys have any tips/suggestions for making this separation easier for them? I have a couple of options for future friends but for now it’s breaking my heart to do this even though it is necessary. They already have the trauma of being dumped.

At this point, I am unsure about neutering the male. We have had overall poor experiences with neutering boars, 2 successes with complications and 1 death from complications, all with “guinea pig savvy” vets. (If anyone read the thread about poor Murphy.) Anything can change in the future but we are also prepared to take care of an intact boar, even if he can’t have lady friends.

(Pictures: white head is male, black head is female. I doubt they are even two months since their heads can fit through C&C grids and they still have little killer nails.)


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They are gorgeous. The forum experts advice is not to quarantine pups under 3 months as the need for company is more important. Fingers crossed that she's not pregnant.
They are gorgeous. The forum experts advice is not to quarantine pups under 3 months as the need for company is more important. Fingers crossed that she's not pregnant.

Wow! I did not know that! These are some of the youngest pups I've had. Right now they can still touch noses through the divider but I doubt that's enough company. I do have a mild tempered older boar and a nice female that I may put the babies with respectively if that is the case and just problem solve. Thanks!
As they are being quarantined as a pair then it’s fine to quarantine - they have each other (albeit through bars). Between bar interaction is enough in the circumstances.

It’s only single pigs under four months of age which cannot be quarantined due to their desperation for companionship.

You can of course forego quarantine and bond them with a piggy each of you wish to do so
As they are being quarantined as a pair then it’s fine to quarantine - they have each other (albeit through bars). Between bar interaction is enough in the circumstances.

It’s only single pigs under four months of age which cannot be quarantined due to their desperation for companionship.

You can of course forego quarantine and bond them with a piggy each of you wish to do so

Thank you for the clarification! I will keep them quarantined as a pair with the division for now and increase the cage size so they have more space. I will keep that in mind though for the future.