had a bath - 'attacking' towel

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My gp has just had his second bath. The first time round was absolutely fine although I didn't use shampoo. I ordered some gorgous guineas shampoo and washed him this morning. He was not happy at all although let me finish the job without too much fuss. I wrapped him in the towel and sat with him, he was really nipping into this towel and holed it in serveral places in just a short space of time. I'm a nervous mummy who has no experience and I just wonder why he turned quite vicious really. I don't want to think of it as his reaction to the bath and just a good old chewing session but why didnt he do that the first time round?

Any help would be great
He can probably sense you are nervous maybe. Maybe don't give him a bath until you're a bit more confident around him-for your sake rather than his! But from what I've read it sounds that you're getting the hang of it. Are you over your fall yet?
;D I'm really an open book arnt I.. My Journey As A New Guinea Mum by TGPF ;D

Yeah i'm over the fall and all it entailed. I've had them both out seperately today for nice cuddles but I won't pick them up with out my jumper on, still fearful of getting bitten which is daft really especially as Trek nipped my tummy after the towel incident when I was puting him back (think he must have been looking for towel and nipped through my top instead) and it didn't hurt too much.

Childhood hang ups are hard to shake - fancy being 27 years old and still can't get over being bitten by a hamster!

Thanks Hils
Hamster bites HURT - so do not feel bad about that. I refuse point blank to ever hold a hamster again and when my brother had a hamster that escaped, I wouldn't catch it without gloves ;D. I have no fear of my piggys what so ever but it does take time to build up trust and that trust works both ways - you are doing great, keep at it and you will get there.

Out of my 4, I have one terrible nibbler. She loves biting fabric of any description - if I am wearing a jumper, she will nibble it. If I bath her, she chews the towel. If I put a damp towel into their run in the summer to keep them cool, she will try and bite that. Any form of snuggle sack/cuddle cup has been chewed by her. She is the only one who does it and I put it down to all their personalities being different. She has never bitten me though and I trust her not to, I think she just likes the texture of fabric - which is why I now keep her away from material things to make sure she isn't actually ingesting stuff she shouldn't be ::).

None of my piggys particularly enjoy their bath and can make quite a fuss. Just take a deep breath, make sure you are holding them securely (this will make them feel better as well) and if you are worried, get a second person to give you a hand.
I've given my two piggies two baths with GG oil and shampoo recently - I am not popular. I got a plastic washing up bowl and put it in the bath - the bowl helped to contain the piggies during (individual) shampooing although Scamper did attempt to climb out. I didn't trust myself to hold them in a towel during the oiling process so this worked well for me. Also had the bathroom heater going.
Little devil he's worked you out and knows you're a bit nervous so i reckon he's playing on it ^-^
You've done everything right, he's also getting more confidence too, so go with the flow and you become more confident too :-*
Bathing i find with our Duke is a nightmare not as much now as he's so skinny so can't do the olympic high jumps that he used to do ;D ;D
Don't worry you'll be fine your becoming a wonderful slave mummy to your piggies well done O0 O0 O0
p.s. i still make mistakes and lets face it that's the only way to learn, LOL piggies will let you know when they don't like it ;)
I wonder how people with several guinea piggies manage bath time!
I gave them their belated third bath treatment yesterday. They seemed a lot calmer but protested when it was time to rinse the shampoo off.
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