Gus Is Love...

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image.webp image.webp I LOVE that Gus will snuggle & snooze on me like that! The only other piggies I've ever had do that were my sweet baby Abby & my sweet Cinnamon Roll. (See pics, Abby is first & Cinny is second, in her purple snuggie, the day she crossed the rainbow bridge.)
(Aka:Cinny Cin) May they both rest in piggy piece.
Couldn't resist making your pigtures larger.... Gorgeous absolutely gorgeous... :love::love::drool::drool:
He is totally adorable :love: Love grey and white piggies :love: :love: Thanks so much for sharing him with us.

Your Rainbow Bridge girls were so pretty too, lovely photos to remember them by
He is totally adorable :love: Love grey and white piggies :love: :love: Thanks so much for sharing him with us.

Your Rainbow Bridge girls were so pretty too, lovely photos to remember them by
Thanks billy, I miss my girls very much, but it's hard NOT to smile with Gus around! He is such a love and I pray that he is in my life for MANY YEARS to come!
They estimate his birthdate to be end of August sometime, like perhaps the 23rd... I feel like it's early sept. He was so teeny and sick though when I brought him home. It's amazing what love, meds and proper food/housing can do for a little fuzzer... He is completely free of his URI, his paws are not infected anymore and his eye is no longer irritated with conjunctivitis! They are now clear, healthy and happily looking at everything surrounding him in his "man town"! [emoji172][emoji252] I love him SOOOO MUCH!
Poor little guy had a bit of a rough start in life then? Lucky for him that you came along to love him.
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