You should always be able to hear some gentle gut noises from them. A silent gut is deadly and requires urgent vet care, particularly noisy and you would also want to see a vet.
Strange or soft poops can point to a gut disturbance. Taking off veg and increasing hay consumption is the normal course of action for a minor upset to get things back on track. If things don’t improve or if the problem reoccurs, then you need to have them seen by a vet.
Please do review their diet as you are currently feeding items which are not suitable for daily use and that are too rich.
The diet guide I’ve added below gives further detail, including a sample plate of amounts and safe daily veggies.
Spinach is not suitable to be fed daily as its too high in calcium (as above too much calcium can cause bladder problems). If you are going to give spinach it should only be just a couple of leaves per pig and only given once a week - more as a treat. The same goes for all other high calcium veg - they should not be given more than once a week and only given in small amounts. So if you’re going to give a particular high calcium veg one week, then don’t give any other type of high calcium veg that week. High calcium veg include kale, parsley, spinach.
Readigrass is also not suitable for regular use as it is too rich. One small pinch sprinkled in hay, very occasionally as a forage treat is fine.
While it is only a dried grass, the calcium remains the same but with no water left in the grass the calcium amount is concentrated. This combined with the fact you give a lot of spinach daily (and their daily pellets) means they are probably exceeding their calcium needs.
Fresh, dog pee free, grass can be given daily, if is their natural food. However, if they aren’t used to it, then it needs to be built up into the diet slowly (and this is every spring time, don’t just suddenly start giving lots of grass after a winter off grass) so not to cause tummy upsets.
Safe daily veggies are lettuce (any lettuce except iceberg), cucumber, coriander and a slice of bell pepper. A green bean or piece or celery can be added if they like them. Other veg items can be given in moderation and things like fruit, root veg, or baby corn either not given at all or only very occasionally.
One tablespoon of pellets per pig per day only and filtered drinking water. Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and tap water to ensuring you limit pellets and filter water is important, particularly in a hard water country like the UK, (secondary, keeping all high calcium veg limited) to ensure they aren’t getting too much calcium.
What do you mean by they’re accepting ‘biscuits’?
Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets
Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time
Edible And Forbidden Veg And Fruit List With Vitamin C Grading
How have your piggies weight checks been?
Hay and grass is the most important part of their diet, and needs to be 80% of what they eat in a day.
The only way to ensure they are eating enough is through the routine weekly weight checks. You then switch to daily weight checks where there are health concerns.
Hay intake is often the first thing to be dropped/reduced when there is a health problem, and this is why the weight checks are important - you can’t judge hay intake by eye, they can appear to be nibbling at it, but it doesn’t mean they are eating anywhere enough - you would see weight loss.
Veg and pellets are supplementary and jointly should only make around 20% of the daily food intake - they simply dont make up enough of the diet to contribute meaningfully to enough food each day, they won’t maintain their weight.
So as you can see, its not a case of ‘as long as they’re eating something’. If their hay intake reduces but they still seem to be eating veg and pellets, then it can mean theyve lost up to 80% of their daily food intake, there is a problem somewhere and that will quickly turn into an emergency situation if not dealt with. An owner would need to step in with emergency measures (syringe feeding to stop weight loss) and vet checks as soon as there is 50g weight loss
Not eating just one type of veg would mostly suggest they’ve just gone off that type.
The guide below explains more about weight.
Weight - Monitoring and Management
The amount a piggy will drink varies widely and the need to drink comes first, piggies wont deliberately dehydrate themselves. Providing cool fresh water and refilling up regularly in hot weather is important. If they get enough water from their diet, then their need to drink from the bottle will not be as great.
This is our guide about drinking.
All About Drinking And Bottles
These are our guides relating to the heat. It gives various methods on how to keep the room cool and ensure piggies don’t overheat.
Outdoor piggies should be brought indoors once their hutch gets towards 25 degrees (and bearing in mind a hutch can be hotter inside than the general outside temperature)
Hot Weather Management, Heat Strokes and Fly Strike
Hot weather warning for the UK - plan now to keep your piggies safe!