New Born Pup
Good morning we work up to what looks to be an ulcer on our gunnie big that looks like it opened up. It smells like rotting what would people say to do about this ?
Good morning we work up to what looks to be an ulcer on our gunnie big that looks like it opened up. It smells like rotting what would people say to do about this ?
Good morning we work up to what looks to be an ulcer on our gunnie big that looks like it opened up. It smells like rotting what would people say to do about this ?
Hi and welcome
It could be a burst abscess but we can only guess sight unseen and smell unsmelled.
Please see a vet; we cannot replace a hands-on examination by a trained professional. If it is an abscess, your piggy will need an antibiotic and they will also need to keep the abscess flushed and drained regularly to allow it to heal from the inside out in order to prevent a return worse then ever.
Otherwise it could be a burst cyst; again with the risk of a possible infection and refilling.
As mentioned, these are just guesses.