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Gunnie pig coughing after child birth

Tom cohen

New Born Pup
Sep 17, 2024
Reaction score

My 2-month-old female guinea pig became pregnant and had a difficult pregnancy. She gave birth to one healthy baby, but unfortunately, one was stillborn.

Since the birth, the mother has been less active, eating less, and she’s not making much noise except for an occasional cough. Despite being in shock, she is still caring for her baby.
the coughing is what really worries me, since while being less energetic she still takes care of herself, perhaps just some needing time.

Is this normal behavior after giving birth, or could she be sick? Does she need any post-birth treatment?
When did she give birth?

Are you weighing her to monitor her hay intake?
If you in any way worried, it is much safer to see a vet. We can’t know what may be wrong with her and would be wrong of us to say anything other than it is safest that she is checked by a vet.

I’ve linked in a guide below about pier birth care.
I have also linked our emergency guides which detail the importance of weight checks and stepping in with support feeding during any illness.


My 2-month-old female guinea pig became pregnant and had a difficult pregnancy. She gave birth to one healthy baby, but unfortunately, one was stillborn.

Since the birth, the mother has been less active, eating less, and she’s not making much noise except for an occasional cough. Despite being in shock, she is still caring for her baby.
the coughing is what really worries me, since while being less energetic she still takes care of herself, perhaps just some needing time.

Is this normal behavior after giving birth, or could she be sick? Does she need any post-birth treatment?

Hi and welcome

Please see a vet to check for damage resulting from the birth. Your mother should not be apathetic and likely in pain. Your vet also needs to check the heart and the respiratory system.

Are you weighing her and her baby daily on your kitchen scales to monitor the food intake? Hay and fresh grass (dog pee free and unsprayed) make over three quarters of the daily food intake. You cannot control this by eye. Please step in with feeding support asap in order to keep her alive and ensuring that she can produce enough milk. Your home support measures are important but they cannot replace any necessary medication.
