Junior Guinea Pig
I've had this problem before with a piggie before - really flaky skin, worst on the back and down to the rump area. Even just looking at their fur, you can see massive flakes, and the hair will come out really easily with flakes at the end. When I took my previous pig to the vet I didn't get anywhere! There were tests for parasites (mites etc) or fungal problems, but all came back negative, and she had injections anyway, which obviously didn't work. Then it was suggested it may be that she needed extra vitamin C, but I upped it with her food - still made no difference!
So now I have 2 guineas with exactly the same problem. It really upsets them, they really don't like being combed or even stroked properly, they squeak and kick out at me, as it must be very itchy/uncomfortable! I've run out of causes for their skin being like this. The only thing I can think of is perhaps because they live indoors, the central heating is drying their skin out? But surely every indoor guinea would have this problem if that's the case?
I've bought a special guinea shampoo for fungal problems (was the closest to just flaky itchy skin!) But is it worth trying things like Nizoral/Polytar for humans, or is it dangerous?
If anyone could suggest causes for their bad skin, and what to treat it with, that would be great! Thanks
So now I have 2 guineas with exactly the same problem. It really upsets them, they really don't like being combed or even stroked properly, they squeak and kick out at me, as it must be very itchy/uncomfortable! I've run out of causes for their skin being like this. The only thing I can think of is perhaps because they live indoors, the central heating is drying their skin out? But surely every indoor guinea would have this problem if that's the case?
I've bought a special guinea shampoo for fungal problems (was the closest to just flaky itchy skin!) But is it worth trying things like Nizoral/Polytar for humans, or is it dangerous?
If anyone could suggest causes for their bad skin, and what to treat it with, that would be great! Thanks