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Guineas with really flaky skin..what to do?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 24, 2009
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I've had this problem before with a piggie before - really flaky skin, worst on the back and down to the rump area. Even just looking at their fur, you can see massive flakes, and the hair will come out really easily with flakes at the end. When I took my previous pig to the vet I didn't get anywhere! There were tests for parasites (mites etc) or fungal problems, but all came back negative, and she had injections anyway, which obviously didn't work. Then it was suggested it may be that she needed extra vitamin C, but I upped it with her food - still made no difference!

So now I have 2 guineas with exactly the same problem. It really upsets them, they really don't like being combed or even stroked properly, they squeak and kick out at me, as it must be very itchy/uncomfortable! I've run out of causes for their skin being like this. The only thing I can think of is perhaps because they live indoors, the central heating is drying their skin out? But surely every indoor guinea would have this problem if that's the case?

I've bought a special guinea shampoo for fungal problems (was the closest to just flaky itchy skin!) But is it worth trying things like Nizoral/Polytar for humans, or is it dangerous?

If anyone could suggest causes for their bad skin, and what to treat it with, that would be great! Thanks :)
Sorry - I would have suggested fungal problems or mites, with the hair coming off so easily. Have they have mites treatment lately? Just to be on the safe side!
Your description reminds me of this picture here:

The drier indoors air can cause flaky skin and itchiness, but not to this extent.
You have described a typical fungal problem.
Nizoral shampoo is ideal, you must let it remain on the pig for 3 minutes to let it soak into the skin. Don't be surprised if more hair is lost during the shampooing session. You must shampoo the whole pig, just be a little careful around the eyes and mouth, it doesn't taste very nice!
Polytar is good for removing flaky skin.
It would be good to get them treated for mites. Ivomec is the standard treatment.
"Vitamin C deficiency" is the sort of "diagnosis" that you are given for most conditions in guinea pigs by people who don't know what else to say!!
Thanks for the advice! I haven't had them treated for mites so far, as they are only 7 and a half months, and their skin has only seemed to get worse in the last couple of months. I'd feel better if I gave the Nizoral shampoo thing a go first, before I go down the path of injections. That past guinea that I had who had the exact same skin symptoms had mite injections and they never worked! I'll wait and see with the shampoo and then consider mite injections after that.

With the Nizoral, is a blob about the size a person would use to wash their hair about right per guinea pig? Also, should I repeat this on a fairly regular basis e.g. again in 3 weeks time - or more/less often?
on my guineas with fungal infections i use a 50p size blob rub in really well until bubbles..rinse well..i repeat every week until it inproves which is around 4wks..ie 4 baths each.blow dry after, watch you dont burn them ,keep them in the warm and out of drafts for a few hours..:)
With the Nizoral, is a blob about the size a person would use to wash their hair about right per guinea pig? Also, should I repeat this on a fairly regular basis e.g. again in 3 weeks time - or more/less often?

I would agree that it sounds like a typical fungal problem, in which case the Nizoral should do the trick. Personally I don't pay particular attention to the amount of shampoo I put on the pig - I put a stripe down their back, and then a blob on my hand to massage the belly and work the shampoo all over the body; if I need a bit more shampoo in a specific area then I don't hesitate to put a bit more on. When rinsing I try to tease the loose hair out if possible; while it leaves a few bald patches, it also gets rid of the fungal flakes which prevents it redeveloping!

In terms of frequency, it seems to work best when you bath weekly for 2-3 weeks.
Aaargh, more advice would be extremely appreciated - still having problems with the guinea pig's skin! Have used the Nizoral about 4 times now. I thought I was seeing a little improvement after the 2nd shampoo, but it's just gone back to as bad as it was in the beginning!

I shampooed them today, and really scrubbed them all over, even trying to scrape their skin with my nails (very lightly), but it doesn't seem to be proving effective.

Just wondering if it's possible to shampoo them with the Nizoral more than once a week, say twice a week? Or would even trying Polytar instead produce better results?

I'd really like to know what has actually caused this fungal infection though, because obviously no matter whether I treat them with the shampoo, if there's something in their house that is creating the infection, it will never clear up for that reason either!

I keep them on newspaper and then sprinkle shop-bought shredded paper and dried grass on top, and then hay obviously. I read to not keep them on sawdust/wood shavings etc, so I have no idea where they got this infection from?
Some pigs are prone to this problem.
Polytar is a good shampoo for this condition. It is pefectly acceptable to shampoo them twice a week, or even more frequently, with Nizoral.
A good approach is to shampoo them with Polytar, to remove the skin debris, and then to follow-up with Nizoral, at the same session. Don't forget to let each shampoo soak into the skin for at least three minutes.
At least this technique will save your finger nails from being damaged!
i used nizoral on my jake as he had this problem drove me crazy as had no idea what was happening but it work plus did the mite treat with Ivomec just in case it was mites it took about 3 baths to sort him out as he lived with another piggie they got the same treatment but i am happy to say he's been clear for 4 months now
i was a bit worried about using nizoral as not for piggies i now have it my piggie cupboard just in case

jo xx
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