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Guineapig - White Liquid Coming From Eye

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New Born Pup
Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
Manchester, uk

I am new to the forum and would appreciate any advice that anybody can give me with regards to my guineapigs eye. She is 2years old and over the last 4 days I have noticed a white discharge coming from her eye, I thought it had cleared up yesterday but it appears to worse today, it is looks a little like milk. I have been bathing it with boiled water with a minute amount of salt over the last few days but it doesn't seemed to have made any difference.

I am a little skeptical to take her to the vet because from past experience I have found that they have little knowledge of guinea pigs.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


To me that sounds quite normal. Guinea pigs get this white liquid in their eyes then use it to wash their faces.
Hi! Milky fluid is actually cleaning fluid, as guinea pigs don't have eyelids like we. Clear watery fluid always means an irritation or an injury to the eye and need to be checked by a vet, especially if it persists. However, if the cleaning fluid persists being so abundant, it could be a sign that something is not quite right with the eyes or the environment and it needs checking by a vet.

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Guinea pigs secrete a milky white fluid from their eyes for cleaning purposes. Their tears are thicker than ours (part of why they don't blink as much as we do.) If there isn't any swelling or gumminess/stickiness around the eye, I would think it's just natural tears/fluid. If the eye is inflamed or stuck together or has discharge stuck onto the fur, that might indicate an infection and require a vet visit. Hope this helps!
Hi everyone, thank you all for your replies.

I am going to take her to the vet this morning, her breathing has become laboured and I have noticed her hair standing on end a few times yesterday.

Thanks again

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