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Guineapig care w/ pneumonia


New Born Pup
Feb 25, 2024
Reaction score
United states
I just found out my pig, harry, has pneumonia. Since it is contagious I was wondering if i had to seperate my piggies at all times because since I do only have 2 pigs I don't want them to get depressed. :(

If this is the case should I get another guinea pig for my healthy one? So far she has no symptoms that I know of but I want to make sure she stays healthy as well.

I'm also uncertain about how to keep harry (pig w/pneumonia) happy if I have to seperate her. (Yes I named her harry XD)
I’m sorry to hear this.

Please leave them together. (Unless your vet says they MUST be separated).

We would not recommend separating piggies on medical grounds unless absolutely necessary. It has the potential to ruin their bond and mean they never go back together again.

Plus your healthy piggy has already been exposed to any bacteria which are present so isolating them now is futile. The immune system of your healthy piggy is usually able to fend off any bacteria.

Please ensure you switch to daily weight checks and step in with syringe feeding a recovery feed.
The need to breathe comes first so in a piggy struggling to breathe, they often drop their hay intake and it is essential you replace the hay intake to keep good gut function.

The daily weight checks are important to ensure you are getting enough syringe feed into her each day.

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

I hope she makes a good recovery
Thank you! I’ll be sure to start checking on their weights, the vet didn’t tell me anything about that
It’s not something vets would necessarily mention but it is a part of your home care - as part of routine but essential during a period of illness.

Piggies should be weighed every week as part of routine care. It’s the only way to know they are eating enough hay.
Often it’s also the way illnesses are picked up and can be before any more firm symptoms are present. Any weight loss over 50g requires you to step in with syringe feeding and increase to daily weight checks.

Do read the green links I added in on my previous reply and the one below

Weight - Monitoring and Management