Guinea pigs that don't beg for food?


Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
Reaction score
All of our pigs have been greedy little things- they will climb up the bars begging if there's a chance we might have a snack for them. If we put the treat between the bars, they will snatch it and run away with it. All except Dahlia. We've had her for 2 months and she very seldom takes food from our hands (sometimes she will nibble something we're holding if we put it right in front of her, but she doesn't really grab it. She will just nibble while we keep holding the cucumber indefinitely.) She also doesn't rush the bars or get excited when treats are coming. I'm not sure if she's still just not comfortable taking food from us yet (although she is fine being picked up, she likes getting patted and makes her happy noise and kisses our hands, and she will come up to us if we are at floor level when she is puttering around.) She is still young and gets spooked by fast movements or loud noises, but she recovers fast and doesn't seem terrified of our hands or anything. She just doesn't seem excited to come and get the food, which I'm just not used to! She does eat, she's very active, she's growing normally, I have no health concerns, but she just is WAY less food-motivated than any pig I've ever had! Does anyone else have a pig like this?
Sir George is food motivated but he is clever and economical with his motion. Unless it's veggie time, he let's Master Boris do all the work of begging, standing at the bars, chewing the bars, wheeking, teeth chattering and generally looking adorable. He will watch and listen. If it looks like treats are forthcoming, he will then amble over.......
This morning Misa came running out the instant I said, "Do you want a treat?" and after she snatched her food and ran away, I stuck my hand in the cage and gave another piece of lettuce to Dahlia, who was still sitting in the pigloo. She did take it out of my hand after a moment, very daintily. She's kind of a strange one, I'm just not used to this!

I do worry I won't know if she's unwell, not being enthusiastic and running over for food has several times been my first sign that a piggie is not feeling good.
Bann used to come for his food all the time, but it's much rarer these days. He's been vet checked and they can't find anything, and he's eating and drinking fine. He just prefers I bring the food to him and not the other way round.

Mourne always comes for food. Trying to feed a lettuce leaf through the cage bars sucks, just to be clear. 🙄