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Guinea Pigs Scabs


New Born Pup
Apr 10, 2022
Reaction score
Hi, we recently adopted two guinea pig sisters from a woman who could not care for them anymore, due to allergies. Yesterday, I realized that the two guinea pigs had scabs on their backs, and they were in the same spot on either pig. I'm not too sure what the scabs are or mean, but I just want to make sure it's nothing serious. We are going to take them to a vet next week, just in case.
Definitely best to get a hands on vet check to find out what is going on. There could be many causes.
Do let us know how you get on.
Hello and welcome to the forum. Good luck at the vets next week. It’s great you’ve taken them on.
Do you have any pictures? Hope you get your babies sorted soon good luck 🤞
Welcome to the forum
Hope whatever it is is easily treated if necessary x