Guinea pigs on aircraft - too traumatic?

Piggy Planet

Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 18, 2011
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Hello, Can anyone advise on the following problem please? I have a friend in France who is relocating to Uganda( work commitments) Her children have three guinea pigs. They will he flying to their new home. Would this journey be too much for guinea pigs? Thanks
Plane trips I don't know about but in her shoes I'd be considering how easy if would be to find supplies in Uganda and appropriate vet treatment if required...
If I couldn't find any firm answers to this I might personally consider rehoming before I went? It's hard, but the new owner might even be happy to send piggy postcards to the children about their adventures!
I would share @Free Ranger concerns as to whether it is really feasible to take guinea pigs into such a different climate where there will be no knowledgeable vet care available.

Your friend will also have to enquire as to whether guinea pigs have to travel in the hold (much more frightening as noisy) or can go in the passenger compartment and then there is issue re. any quarantine (both ways) and potential vaccination issues.

Transatlantic Flights With Guinea Pigs
I have flown with guinea pigs as hand luggage (this was a few years ago though when such things were allowed - it is much harder these days).
They coped with the trip (a 90 min flight) absolutely fine.

But as Free Ranger has already said, your friend might need to reconsider.
Firstly these days it is extremely difficult to find airlines that will fly piggies in the cabin - if they accept them at all it is usually in the hold (a part that is temp controlled). Getting space here needs to be booked far in advance, and they may end up sharing the space with cats and dogs, which I imagine could be stressful. This is simply because cats and dogs are more commonly flown. You also always need a Plan B, as any booked animals may be bumped from their flight if a cargo that has greater priority is booked at the last minute - it's rare but can happen.
Not all planes offer a temp controlled space for animals so she would need to choose her flights with this in mind.

Secondly can she be sure of access to reliable vet care and all the necessary supplies including things like decent hay year round.

I know it sounds like a great idea, but the reality of moving an exotic pet like a guinea pig to a new country can be a lot more problematic than you think.
Has she been there and seen where they will live, and been able to verify that she can find everything she needs, and also have a safe space for the piggies upon arrival?
Thank you so much for all the replies There is clearly much to consider, not just the actual travel.
Piggy planet can you please let us know how you get on with the airlines please? My plan is to take mine with me when i leave Bahrain. Thank you 🙏