Junior Guinea Pig
Hi, I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this in but here we go anyway.
My 3 month old boys (have had them for about a month) are usually well behaved - one is obviously dominant but doesn't bully the other and they live together pretty well. My partner came to visit (he was there when we got the boys but lives quite far away so hasn't seen them since) and the boys totally misbehaved the whole time - especially the submissive one! We had them in their run and after a while Angus (submissive) started attacking William (dominant), jumping on him, nipping him and incessantly humping him - he was proper going for it, I was getting quite worried. In the end I had to separate them for a while because poor William was getting quite upset and I was worried he would retaliate and hurt Angus (William can be quite bitey and grumpy sometimes lol). When we put them back together in the cage, the same thing happened but after a while they settled down. They weren't like that before and haven't done it again since - infact William is back to being the boss piggy again! I'm not sure whether it was because my partner was there and he will obviously have a different smell to them and he is quite a loud guy (not purposely, I don't even think he knows he is doing it tbh lol) or whether it was a coincidence. I should mention that I checked both of them over the day after and there was no blood drawn or anything, they are both completely mark free. Does a new person coming into guinea pig's habitats sometimes make them lose their minds or something?
My 3 month old boys (have had them for about a month) are usually well behaved - one is obviously dominant but doesn't bully the other and they live together pretty well. My partner came to visit (he was there when we got the boys but lives quite far away so hasn't seen them since) and the boys totally misbehaved the whole time - especially the submissive one! We had them in their run and after a while Angus (submissive) started attacking William (dominant), jumping on him, nipping him and incessantly humping him - he was proper going for it, I was getting quite worried. In the end I had to separate them for a while because poor William was getting quite upset and I was worried he would retaliate and hurt Angus (William can be quite bitey and grumpy sometimes lol). When we put them back together in the cage, the same thing happened but after a while they settled down. They weren't like that before and haven't done it again since - infact William is back to being the boss piggy again! I'm not sure whether it was because my partner was there and he will obviously have a different smell to them and he is quite a loud guy (not purposely, I don't even think he knows he is doing it tbh lol) or whether it was a coincidence. I should mention that I checked both of them over the day after and there was no blood drawn or anything, they are both completely mark free. Does a new person coming into guinea pig's habitats sometimes make them lose their minds or something?