Guinea pigs in heat (Don't worry I am NOT breeding)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2011
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Hey so Oreo is in heat and lately shes been a real witch and all moody. She bites Sam and then she turns around and lays her teeth on me. This only lasts for 3 days and then shes back to normal.

Is it normal for guinea pigs in heat to be moody like this and then turn around 3 days later and be the sweetest thing you've ever been with when they come out of season? Sometimes it makes me wonder if she is synced with me, but only a week earlier.

Can someone help explain this a bit more?
sounds like piggie PMT... :)
mine are the same...!
preggers piggies are the moodiest by far...!
sounds like hormones... :)
Well I am really confused by this because this went on until 2:30pm today Saskatchewan time. She had been in heat since monday evening. And it always is the same thing that goes on every month.
Because its me and her most of the day, we are like a mother/daughter pair (hence the reason I chose not to get a second piggie) and are always inseprable. She sits on my boobs for three hours kissing and talking to me and then another 1 1/2 hour in my arms sleeping and all wrapped up in "her" blanket (t-towel) I wonder if her cycle is kinda synced with mine a bit.
awwwww... she sounds os cute...!
i spose they could be... humans naturally sync so i dont see why not... and now youve said that i can see a similar pattern where my girlies are concerned... :)
She is adorable. My little squeaking furball that keeps me sane because of my crazy land lady who harasses me constantly. My bond with her is really strong. And she is almost 7 months old. I had gotten her when she was 2 days shy of turning 3 months old.

And no problem. A similar pattern among girlies is better than being told that you must be crazy. Animals can't sync with humans..... But I appreciate being told this new information. I love my Oreo to bits.

joifsodhfhrghrkhghgrhgrfighd5ihgtyr48t9yh85rt9hi8uirdgt (Oreo sat on the keyboard haha what a dork)
My late piggie Frenzy had crazy piggie PMS... she was seriously like a whole other pig every couple of weeks! She was always a little high strung but when she was in heat she would get in her cagemate Linney's face, rumblestrutting around like she owned the place... Linney is the dominant one and it used to cause fights between them. Then Frenzy would completely turn around and be her usual sweet self. I see similar (but much less dramatic) behaviour with the two pigs I have now... there is much less squabbling between the two because Sundae (new pig we got after Frenzy passed) is a lot less hormonal!
I guess it has to do with the pig itself. But this was the fourth time I've seen her like that. So I dunno..... But she is really a mumma's girl. Every morning around 11am she wants to be sitting with me on my boobs and wanting to watch TV with me. Its funny because she just sits there and is so calm... There have been times where Sam (my fiance) would bring her to bed and she would sit with me in bed and watch TV again with me or will snooze with me. I think she is a total ham.
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Is anyone's guinea pigs in season right now and if so are they really moody? Mine is and She is being a real cow about it.
Rosie has to be in heat at the moment, it makes me want to avoid her lol. I went to give her some veggies last night and got a nip on the hand. She's also really moody towards her cage mates. I don't hold a grudge because i know in a few days she'll be craving attention! Funny little thing she is, my other girls aren't that bad.
you. She has been like this since this morning. All she wants to do is be alone and have no one touch her or be near her..... Man, sometimes i think during those days shes like the devil in waiting haha
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