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Guinea pigs have blood spots in cage the past day and we are nervous! Any info is greatly appreciated


New Born Pup
Mar 3, 2024
Reaction score
West palm beach
My guinea pig Daisy has a swollen belly, but I can’t tell if it’s her or the other female Duke. There is spotting all over their cage they switch a lot, so it is our Detail where it is coming from. Exactly or which guinea pig. Anyone with any info or dosage of antibiotics would be helpful. I am currently looking into exotic vets appointment and availability is hard to find on weekends. Are there any other signs to look out for?
My guinea pig Daisy has a swollen belly, but I can’t tell if it’s her or the other female Duke. There is spotting all over their cage they switch a lot, so it is our Detail where it is coming from. Exactly or which guinea pig. Anyone with any info or dosage of antibiotics would be helpful. I am currently looking into exotic vets appointment and availability is hard to find on weekends. Are there any other signs to look out for?
Could you separate them to determine which one has this problem? Where did the blood come from?
I would suggest you wait until the vet visit before giving the antibiotic...if she has a swollen belly the antibiotic could make matters worse.
In the meantime, give her only a lots of hay!
The best thing is to switch them both from the routine weekly weight checks and instead weigh them both daily so you can make sure they are eating enough hay.
Make sure to call a vet asap.

If she has a swollen belly then it would stand to reason that it is Daisy from whom the blood is coming.

We cannot tell you any dosage of medication as we are not vets but also because the dosage is determined the diagnosis (she may not need antibiotics) and their weight.

If you think she is bloated, then please remove veg from her diet and step in with syringe feeding a recovery feed. Bloat is a serious issue so she does need a vet urgently if that is the case.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Good luck. I hope you can see a vet soon 🤞🏻