Teenage Guinea Pig
Have picked up my guinea pigs from the rescue today! Journey up the M1 took longer than expected with queues and whatnot but they seem alright and polished off all the cucumber I put in their carrier with them. I have 1 quite big female, approx. 2 and a half years old who's a bit more nervous/skittish, 1 smaller female, also about two and a half, who is the most confident and is obviously going to be the boss, and 1 small neutered male who is about 10 months old and obviously likes to pretend he's in charge but I think he's lost that particular battle! All as yet unnamed. The larger female and the male are hiding in one of the houses together; smaller female did a reconnaisance of the cage before going in with them but has now had another explore and is in one of the hideys up the other end of the cage. Will post pictures as soon as I can!