Guinea Pigs Hating Floor Time?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 4, 2011
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I keep reading about guinea pigs needing floor time and we have tried it with ours, but they seem to absolutely hate it. Whenever we do it, they just sit there and freeze or try to get to the nearest corner and stay there. We have them on our laps quite often and they love that and they sit on the small settee when their cages are being cleaned, but they do not like the floor. What do we do about it? I feel bad leaving them on the floor if they sit there not moving, two even kept going back to their cage and then sat in front of it. I'd love them to be able to run around through our sitting room, but it doesn't seem to happen.
Mine prefer to run around on fleece or a rug as they dont like the wood flooring so maybe put that down and some tunnels and/or boxes so they dont feel so exposed
Guinea pigs are prey animals so open spaces are a very scary environment for them. Try putting out a low stool they can hide under, foody treats or veggies to encourage them to explore and maybe a cosy hidey or two. Often pigs will go from hidey to hidey round the space to start with til they get more confident.

A play pen is a great idea as it gives them boundaries and keeps them out of places they shouldn't be (like behind the washing machine or fridge, popular hiding places in my house).

I have also found they don't really like wood, laminate or cold kitchen floors so using a easy-wash blanket like fleece or a plastic backed picnic blanket gives them something comfy to roam on and protects your floors. Try sitting with them on the floor and talk to them gently as well so they know you are there. Standing towering over them will make them more frightened and liable to hide or freeze. It takes time and confidence for them to get used to floor time so don't worry if they aren't keen to start with.
I am having this problem with Edward when he is in his playpen,he just goes into one of his little houses and won't come out and then when I take him back to his cage he goes mad popcorning and runs round to all his stuff kissing it (well he may just be sniffing it lol ) and acting like he has been away for months.He makes me feel a real meanie.
Mine prefer to run around on fleece or a rug as they dont like the wood flooring so maybe put that down and some tunnels and/or boxes so they dont feel so exposed
We always put a blanket on the floor. It's laminated so they would probably slip, besides I think the landlord wouldn't be happy about pee stains. We might get an old rug if we find one, I think there is a shop near here that could have cheap scraps of rugs or carpets. When we sit on the floor, they will hide under our legs or arms if they can and they're alright on our laps.

Thanks for all your advice, we will difinitely try putting up boxes and I can ask my bf if he could make a playpen (he can make pretty much everything and it's cheaper than buying one, and often better quality). I'd really like them to be able to run around more than they can in their cages, but so far, they have never done that and never really moved much at all except to get back to their cage where they would sit, waiting for us to put them back in.
I am having this problem with Edward when he is in his playpen,he just goes into one of his little houses and won't come out and then when I take him back to his cage he goes mad popcorning and runs round to all his stuff kissing it (well he may just be sniffing it lol ) and acting like he has been away for months.He makes me feel a real meanie.

Nice to know someone else is having that problem as well. Am still hoping we can change that, though.
my 4 year old never ever learned to like floortime some pigs just dont really enjoy it :D
mine run around like nutters! popcorning everywhere! they love it, we do have a run which we use as you can see in my profile picture but we open one side and they're off! they love it. i call them from the kitchen for a treat and they both come running , it's so funny :D
My two girlies used to sit frozen on the floor too. It got to the point I didn't even bother upsetting them by taking them out. However, reading this a couple of weeks after losing her sister, I have put aeriel out on the floor and to my total amazement she was off exploring! I can't believe it. I hope she was being nosey and not just searching for millie moo. She seemed happy enough though! Can't wait to try it again :)
We always put a blanket on the floor. It's laminated so they would probably slip, besides I think the landlord wouldn't be happy about pee stains. We might get an old rug if we find one, I think there is a shop near here that could have cheap scraps of rugs or carpets. When we sit on the floor, they will hide under our legs or arms if they can and they're alright on our laps.

Thanks for all your advice, we will difinitely try putting up boxes and I can ask my bf if he could make a playpen (he can make pretty much everything and it's cheaper than buying one, and often better quality). I'd really like them to be able to run around more than they can in their cages, but so far, they have never done that and never really moved much at all except to get back to their cage where they would sit, waiting for us to put them back in.
if you just put a blanket on the floor with no waterproof protection you will probably sill get marks. Quite a few people have noticed this and is very difficult to get off.Wouldnt want you to get into trouble. I know my ground sheets get marks on if i dont cover with puppy pads
They just sit there and stare at me like I just told a corny joke, they live in a 2-storey hutch so they have plenty of space to run around. Do they need more floor time?
My two have a big cage so plenty of space to run around without floor time however when we are having bonding time they love to a have a sniff around. They think they are rebelling by running around outside their cage... it's very cute!

This is a fairly new thing though and Streak is much braver with it than Bumble who still prefers to be close to the hidey holes she knows!
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