Guinea Pigs Fighting

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Pumpkin & Hippo

New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2016
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I really need help because I have a Guinea Pig (Pumpkin) and I recently got a Skinny Pig (Hippo).
Pumpkin turned one not long ago but Hippo is only 3 months old and is getting pushed around a lot by Pumpkin, she has lots of scratches and what I believe is a bite mark on her haunch.
I separate them for about an hour at a time every so often but I don't have two of everything so I can't permanently separate them without depriving one of food & water. I don't know what to do, there is lots of snow outside and I can't just run out and buy stuff today.

Is this fighting just them trying to figure hierarchy, is it hormones? Please help!
Update: I just realized she (Hippo) has a lot more of what seem to be bite marks and and the nail marks are clear, these scratches and (possibly) bite marks do not look severe in any way but I am very worried that this will persist until one Pig ends up seriously injured. Also, I belive that Pumpkin has tried to mount her multiple times and that is what caused all the scratches on her haunches.
image.webp The white spot is the worst scratch/bite mark of all, I couldn't get a good picture but there's a scab. it's not inflamed or anything but I am very scared for her.
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Sorry to hear you are having problems with your piggies, but to be honest it does sound like normal piggy dominance behavior.
You say your new skinny pig has scratch marks, but are these actually wounds, and is your other guinea pig obviously attacking her or preventing her from eating and drinking?
Unfortunately I don't really know much about skinny pigs, but maybe the marks look bad because she has dry skin?
And the patch on her haunch looks like it could be some form of skin infection - it might be worth having her seen by a vet to rule out fungal?

You say you don't have 2 of everything, but if you have 2 guinea pigs then you need to have 2 food bowls, 2 water bottles and at least 2 hideys for them. Even guinea pigs that get along well don't always like to share!

And how big is their cage? Space plays an important role, and if their cage is too small then this could be another reason that they are getting grumpy with each other.

A good place to start might be this thread on dominance behaviors;

Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
["Swissgreys, post: 1942569, member: 121330"] My cage is about eight feet in length, it provides lots of space for the both of them, my first pig just seems to enjoy bullying her.
Thank you for the advice on her wounds, if small ones start actually irritating her I'll see a vet over it, as for the big one, I'll have that checked out soon as I can. As for needing two bottles bowls and hides, I have two hides but I don't think Pumpkin understands she can't have both. As soon as the snow clears a bit, I'll be off to get another bowl and another bottle. Pumpkin also enjoys pushing her around to get food and water first yes, but I haven't seen what I'd define as a full on attack between both. It seems one way, Guinea Pig tries to start a fight with Skinny Pig but Skinny Pig just tries to run away, since Guinea Pig is bigger instead of letting her go, Guinea Pig bites her ears and tries to mount her.

But considering the fact that the Skinny pig is relatively new I'll give it some time. After all, we've only had her for three days.
I'd get her checked out to be on the safe side as if it is fungal, you could end up having to treat both guinea pigs for it. It sounds like they are sorting out who is boss. Did you give the cage a clean out and the guinea pigs a bath so that it wouldn't carry scents on it? Here is a good thread to read on information on introducing guinea pigs together.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
As for the mounting/chasing, that's signs of how they work out who is boss. It can seem scary but its how they do it. Here is one for how sow's behave for you to read up on and also adding the one @Swissgreys has already popped in
Sow Behaviour
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs
For now, try giving them their veggies in a small amount and at opposite ends of the cage so that Hippo can get some without Pumpkin driving her away first. Feed Pumpkin first so she'll be occupied for a while.
I take it you got Hippo for Christmas?
@Crystella yes she was a Christmas gift, but thank you for reassuring me because I was very worried for my Skinny Pig, I'm guessing this will end up working out, but I have contemplated a DAP in case there is a serious issue. I have bathed them both and the eating side of the cage is clean, I plan on cleaning out the other side soon as possible. Now that I know it's not as serious as I first thought it was (I thought I would have to get rid of Hippo) I can finally calm down about this.
@Crystella one more question: is Pumpkin just showing dominance when she kicks Hippo out of we house and bites her ears? Is that her trying to show she has the run of the place?
I think so but while they are in this getting know each other, make sure the hides have 2 entrances so that Pumpkin can't pin/attack Hippo in them. Please Have a read of the threads I posted earlier as they have lots of information in them :D
When adding a new Guinea pig, always be aware that they may not get along.
Hi I have Skinny Pigs & the spot on her rump certainly does look like fungal it grows quickly so the sooner treatment starts the quicker it will cure it can spread rapidly but its soon sorted
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