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Guinea pig's eye infection


New Born Pup
Jun 26, 2022
Reaction score
It's been around 2 months that my guinea pig's eyes has infection , I have tried to use Ciplex eye drop and it cured one of his eyes but the other eye still has cloudy secretions, it does not smell anything but i have to keep cleaning the sticked dried stuff around his eyes daily , i started to use Tetracycline ointment once a day ( i know i had to do that like every 8 hours but it wasn't possible for me ) it helped that his eyes gets better mostly in shape (his eye had was half open and had inflation) but still he has thoes dried stuff... i also tried daily usage of lubratex eye ointment ( simple eye ointment)...
now he has another problem on his eye , i can see a cloudy spot on his eye (his eye shows reactions and he sees everything)
ill attach the pic of both his eyes.
can anyone help me? I'm really worried

(i have no access to any vet, who knows how cure rodents)


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sorry for his oily face its because of Tetracycline, i also forgot to say i'm cleaning his eyes with normal saline.
Has your piggy been seen by a vet?
If not, then do see a vet. Eyes are considered urgent and need to be seen promptly.
as i said there are no vets around ...

Sorry I missed that line.
Unfortunately we cannot know what is wrong nor tell you what treatment is needed. Only a vet can carry out hands on check and use the appropriate fluorescent dyes to check the damage and give the appropriate medication.
Sorry I missed that line.
Unfortunately we cannot know what is wrong nor tell you what treatment is needed. Only a vet can carry out hands on check and use the appropriate fluorescent dyes to check the damage and give the appropriate medication.
I have took him to the vet, doctor gave me Ciprofloxacine 250mg ( i mix it with 5 ml of distilled water and give him 30 units of insulin syringe which equals around 15mg and i give it to him every 24 hours ) and Meloxicam 7.5 mg tabs ( i mix it with 5 ml of distilled water and give him 50 units of insulin syringe once every 24 hours) both tabs that i have got are human used types.
he also gave me probiotic mixture and Cholobiotic 0.5% eye drop which i have to use it every 8 hours in his nose and his left eye.
its been 2 days from when i started his treat and now he has lack of appetite and he is alittle sleepy but over joyful at the same time also he somehow prefer wooden flakes than hay but as i said main problem is his lack of appetite
what should i do? i messaged his Vet and he told me that i have to bring him for "Radiography assesment of Skull and thorax"

what should i do now
I have took him to the vet, doctor gave me Ciprofloxacine 250mg ( i mix it with 5 ml of distilled water and give him 30 units of insulin syringe which equals around 15mg and i give it to him every 24 hours ) and Meloxicam 7.5 mg tabs ( i mix it with 5 ml of distilled water and give him 50 units of insulin syringe once every 24 hours) both tabs that i have got are human used types.
he also gave me probiotic mixture and Cholobiotic 0.5% eye drop which i have to use it every 8 hours in his nose and his left eye.
its been 2 days from when i started his treat and now he has lack of appetite and he is alittle sleepy but over joyful at the same time also he somehow prefer wooden flakes than hay but as i said main problem is his lack of appetite
what should i do? i messaged his Vet and he told me that i have to bring him for "Radiography assesment of Skull and thorax"

what should i do now

If he is not eating hay then you need to step in and syringe a recovery feed such as oxbow critical care or mushed pellets. Hay is 80% of the daily food intake so it needs to be replaced while isn’t eating it.
You will also need to weigh your piggy every morning so you can ensure he is getting enough syringe feed so that he doesn’t lose weight. You are looking at a minimum of 60ml of feed in each 24 hour period, that usually means feeding as much as he will take every two hours.

Definitely return to the vet.

The guides below explain how to syringe feed

Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Thank you so much for your advice , should i stop his medication atleast for tonight ?
he has eaten alittle hay today and he loved it and thank me so much ( he got ran of hay and bought him today) but still he didn't eat much of that, its even same for fav food which is tomato.
Thank you so much for your advice , should i stop his medication atleast for tonight ?
he has eaten alittle hay today and he loved it and thank me so much ( he got ran of hay and bought him today) but still he didn't eat much of that, its even same for fav food which is tomato.

We can’t advise you to stop medication without veterinary advice.

Nibbling at a little hay is very deceptive and if that is all he has done then it will not be enough. As it makea three quarters of what they need to eat in a day, even dropping a little hay intake can have a huge effect. Please do step in with syringe feed.

Ensure tomatoes are not fed often - it is only suitable in a small amount as a very occasional treat. Tomatoes are too acidic and can lead to a lip infection called cheilitis.
i have got cucumbers(it doest have much water) now and his appetite seems to get back to normal, he ate whole cucumber in a minute although I'm still trying to make soup for syringe feeding tho. thank you so much , ill keep you update :luv:
i have got cucumbers(it doest have much water) now and his appetite seems to get back to normal, he ate whole cucumber in a minute although I'm still trying to make soup for syringe feeding tho. thank you so much , ill keep you update :luv:

It’s good he is eating something but do remember that Veg only makes 15% of the daily food intake. You need to maintain the hay and fibre intake up to 75%.

Add some warm water to his normal guinea pig pellets. Make it into a mush that will go through a syringe with the end cut off. He needs to have as much of that as is necessary to keep his weight stable when you weigh him each morning
well, i wanted to update what has happened to my piggy,

the treatment that doctor did it wasnt enough he sent me to an eye specialist, he detected that scratch permanent but he gave me Artipic Optic Advanced drop for the inflammation and the cloudy stuff that still comes out of his eyes.

after all my piggy mainly suffers when he tries to poop he screams always and i dont know what to do i keep giving him veggies but it doesnt help as much as it should (he doesnt have bladder stone)
also i want to mention that his apetit is back and he eats sooo much food and he loves french lettuce

what should i do about his screams?
Hi, I'm sorry to read that your piggy is still unwell.
When you say he "screams" when pooping, do you mean he makes a high-pitched squeak? Squeaks while urinating are often a symptom of a urinary tract infection, but if they are made whilst pooping there could be other causes. A forum medical expert may be able to advise further on what the issue might be. How long has he been making these sounds while pooping? And is he eating plenty of hay (as well as vegetables) and maintaining his weight? Hay is the most important part of their diet, they need lots of fibre to keep the digestion working properly and food moving through easily.
I would return him to a knowledgeable vet to have his toileting issue checked. He sounds to be in pain.

I would also second the questions you’ve been asked above?

Have you switched from the either daily weight checks and instead weighing him daily?
This is essential when a piggy is unwell.
You’ve only mentioned him eating veg but it is more important that he eats hay. Hay
Makes up three quarters of what he needs to eat in a day, veg is just a very small snack and not enough to sustain him and his healthy gut function.
You need to weigh him daily so you can be sure he is eating enough hay. If he isn’t eating enough, he will lose weight and you must syringe feed him recovery feed or mashed pellets.
his weight seemed to be stable but he doesnt like the hay much and I'm considering changing his hays again , but he eats the hay during the nights when I'm sleeping ( when he finds nothing else he eats hay)
ill again start to weigh him and ill report it here later
Hi, I'm sorry to read that your piggy is still unwell.
When you say he "screams" when pooping, do you mean he makes a high-pitched squeak? Squeaks while urinating are often a symptom of a urinary tract infection, but if they are made whilst pooping there could be other causes. A forum medical expert may be able to advise further on what the issue might be. How long has he been making these sounds while pooping? And is he eating plenty of hay (as well as vegetables) and maintaining his weight? Hay is the most important part of their diet, they need lots of fibre to keep the digestion working properly and food moving through easily.
yup but its not that loud and i checked that it only happens when he poops, i hear these noises maybe from the first months but it wasnt this much, it would only happen when he ate so much hay ( like maybe because hay can absurb all the water from the poop and also hay could be sharp in poop and scratches him) but now its every day even while his poop is well shaped and okay ( its been 2 weeks that sometimes some of his poops turns into smaller portions)
yup but its not that loud and i checked that it only happens when he poops, i hear these noises maybe from the first months but it wasnt this much, it would only happen when he ate so much hay ( like maybe because hay can absurb all the water from the poop and also hay could be sharp in poop and scratches him) but now its every day even while his poop is well shaped and okay ( its been 2 weeks that sometimes some of his poops turns into smaller portions)

The hay is not sharp and scratching him in his poop - you won’t find the hay in his poop as it has been digested.
It is their natural diet and they thing they need to eat most of to fill them up.
They need to eat a lot of hay at all times
I must say, I've seen an awful lot of piggy poop and never seen undigested hay come out the other end. Is this something you've seen?
nah i havent seen anything undigested , thats only how i used to think... like chopped cellulose might be sharp or gets dry and scratches the surface of his intestine? :hmm: